Thank you for joining again our new series of #EmunaClass Q/A a 3 part intro to an exciting new course by #LironMazor " #SoulfulMoney " - Now Weekly Sunday night - 22nd Nov at 830 pm with #RavShalomArush #17 guiding light on part 2 - #TalkingtoHashem!!
1. Importance of Gratitude
2. Talking to Hashem
3. Garden of Riches
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Skyldig I Forbrytelser mot Menneskeheten 23. juni 2024 - Saken Om Uaktsomt Massemord.
Source material: Big Dog Report på Rumble :)
Kjøp en kaffe om du vil støtte denne kanalen:
Video tags: Skyldig I Forbrytelser mot Menneskeheten, 23 juni, 2024, Big Dog Report, BigDogReport, On Rumble, Peter McCullough , Forbrytelser mot Menneskeheten , Uaktsomt Massemord , UAKTSOMT MASSEDRAP, COVID-19 MRNA VAKSINE, COVID-19 MRNA VAKSINEN , MASSEDØD, FOLKEMORD, MASSEMORD, Dødelige vaksiner, Farlige vaksiner.
Video med Norsk undertekst, Video oversatt til Norsk , Norske videoer , Oversatt til Norsk , Norske Undertekster , Utenlandske Nyheter, Norsk undertekst , video med Norsk , med Norske undertekster , Populær Podcast , Norge , Videoinnhold Emner og nøkkelord for å best beskrive denne videoen videre inkluderer å vise støtteinformasjon og støttemateriale, med det siste innen; Syntetisk Biologi , Biorevolution , Biorevolusjon, Bio-revolution , SynBio , Forskningsklipp, Uavhengige bioteknologiske eksperter, BNT162b2 , AZD1222 , JNJ-78436725 , NVX-CoV2373 , KIMÆRENE , Kimærer, Kimær, Sub-enhet vaksine, CoVPN , Dr Joseph Ladapo, Surgeon General, Biodefense as a Service, Human Modification, Bio Revolution, digitalt helsesystem, Digital Stat, School of, digital helsevesen, helsetjenester, helse, healthtech, e-helse, Dr Love, telehelse, Sveits, Operation, Genève, Zürich, telemedisin, Tele Medicine, covid, FANATICVOYAGE NORGE , FANATIC VOYAGE NORGE , FANATICVOYAGE kanalen , FANATIC VOYAGE kanalen , medisinsk, apotek, Plasmid-replikasjon, DNA-looping, m helse, sykehus, Frontline Doctors, M3, FOX News, EPISODE, Globalist Elite Cabal, Highwire, Hatefulle ytringer , Cyber attack, Florida Ban on, Social Media, COVID Apologets, Quectel, Bill Maher Goes, Storbritannia, HP, Naturlige produkter, kosttilskudd, mindreårige, integrasjon vertsfaktor, IHF, yngre, systematisk, π, Florida forbud, sosiale medier, 2024, Shawn Buckley, LLB, Dicky Barrett, Kanada, Edward Bernays, Propaganda, Propaganda rapport, REALITY BITES, Crispr, C. Elegans, Avansert institutt for, Elegans, Parasitt, C Elegans, medisin for , Lonza , mRNA-1273 , doktor , leger , Wilfredo Stokes Baltazar , Wilfredo , Stokes , Baltazar , Sucharit Bhakdi , Dr Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Bhakdi, Dr Bhakdi, Deep State, Shadow Government, Digital Governance, helsetjenester IT, mental helse, medtech, pasient, sykehus, programvare, velvære, AI, helsevesenet programvare, klinikk, Probiotika, Pentagon, automatisering, teknologi, Tucker Carlson, rapportering, overvåking, sensorer, RNA Tagbits, Tagbits, Cell tagbit, CCTV, immunsystemet , kosttilskudd, loci, Furin spaltning , miljøovervåking , tekniker , alifatiske, fettsyrer, alifatiske aminer, parafinsyre, protokoller, nesepinne, overflateaktivt middel, overflateaktive midler, biokjemi, rpm, Claus Schwab, Charles Schwab , ICD-10 koder, ICD-10-CM, DICOM, FHIR, HL7, PoC, PoC Device, Klaus Schwab, CMOS Device, CMOS Implantater, CMOS, MEMS enheter, NEMS enheter, LATERO Device, LATERO, outdoorlifestylejob, itsmykit, for menneskelig bruk, sikkerhetssystem, lab arbeid, ansvarlig person, TERA, THW, bioteknologi, Len Ber, Dr Len Ber, Lenber, Wikileaks, biologi, vitenskap, mikrobiologi, bioteknologi, biokjemi, molekylærbiologi, Amerika, Spania, SUR, Sur America, ES, MX, CL, AR, Spain, Espana, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Sasha Latypova, forskning, genetikk, Lipid A, syntetiske derivater, aluminiumhydroksid, aluminiumfosfat, kalsiumfosfat, Fulleren, Locus, Loci, elektrondonerende, polysykliske, aromatiske π-materialer, Hole transportører, p-type halvledere, π-materialer, elektron-akseptere, aromatiske π-materialer, elektron-transport, n-type halvledere, forsker, DNA screening, medisin, laboratorium, Julian Assange, Assange, Joseph Ladapo, bioteknolog, 882E, cellebiologi, lab, inkludert, koraller, sjøanemoner, zoanithids, hoppekreps, lancelets, mikrobiolog, mg, ml, ELF, medisinsk intervensjon, Pfizer-BioNTech, sub-enhet-vaksine , kjemi, FLCCC, fosfolipider, biovitenskap, DoDD 3000.09 , DoD Instruction 8500 , DoDD , Den europeiske sentralbanken, Tokenization, Tokenomics, ECB, The Federal Reserve System, 1933, 1934, 1776, Bank Lov, Martinsried, tysk, Dolin et al, Friedwald 1944, Henle og Henle, 1945, Eric Drexler, bildebevegelse , Fly Motion Visuals, Synaptiske nevroner, Neuron Directional, Necrosis, oljeemulsjonsadjuvanser, Salk et al, Miller et al, Grayston et al, Morein et al, T4 Selektivitet, T5 Selektivitet, T4 celler, T5 celler, Visuell navigasjon i fluer, Hvordan fluer beregne deres bevegelse, Visuals, NEET, bioinformatikk, covid, zoologi, mikroskop, passiv diffusjon, medisinske implantater, invasiv behandling, ikke-invasiv, implantater, frekvens enheter, frekvensenhet, Maria Zeee, Zeee, Zeee Media,, vaksin, CBRN forsvar, CBRN, medisinsk utstyr, radiologiske, innovasjoner i, ortopedi, hvile, kirurger, britisk leverandør, Balsamerere, hvite fibrøse blodpropper, hemmelige samfunn, den dype staten, FN, Alpha , Beta , Gamma , Delta , Omega ,saponin adjuvans, Saponin, Quil-A, molekylær virologi, den globale kabalen, Illuminati, Vatikanet, den katolske kirke, VA, The VA, paven, Vivek Ramaswamy, Vivek, den globale verdensorden, en verdensregjering, vaksine adjuvanser, HydraSpace-teknologi, HydraSpace, GlycoConnect, Synaffix, GlycoConnect™, HydraSpace™, adjuvans produserer, adjuvans for, Sonovue™, britisk distributør, gbmfg, sbot, kirurgi, medisinsk innovasjon, immunsystem narkotika, uk MFG, DeVries et al, Lovgren et al, medisinsk utstyr, 19F NMR, HAXON mikroskop, Haxon La Quinta Columna, LQC, HAXON, overflatebehandling, masse etterbehandling, hip kirurgi, metall etterbehandling, tech-medisinsk, tech medisinsk br, ERC-1155, ERC-721, ERC1155, ERC721, implantat kirurgi, Colombia, 7th Floor Group, Edgar, Hoover Building, Quantum Dots, AD, Halvleder, medisinsk utstyr, bærbar enhet, strekkbar elektronikk, dermal patch, ikke-invasive, invasive behandlinger, kirurgisk implantat, supersoldater, Forsvarsdepartementet, UOC uk, SBQ, kirurgiske instrumenter, nanoteknologi, detaljert, nano, RNA, DNA, PINNE, Genotoksisk, dental, radioisotoper, radioisotop, radioceuticals, Graphene flaggskip program, Therapeutics, legemidler, Pharma, Daphnia, Big Pharma, WHO, IMF, Securities Act of 1933, Securities Act of 1934, Verdensbanken, 1934 Securities Act, 1933 Securities Act, Regjeringen, Unge globale ledere, Young Global Leaders , Graphene flaggskip, Dr Zelenko, EU-parlamentet, EU-kommisjonen, EU, Horizon 2020, Horizon 2030, H2020, H2030, Brainmaster, Ukonvensjonell krigføring, Asymmetrisk krigføring, Washington DC, DC, WA, NBIC krigføring, NATO, Russland, Ukraina, ng, G, Ukraina-krigen, Russland-invasjonen, Digital helsesertifikat, Covid-pass, Maske, Maskebruk, Ansiktsbleier, juridisk sak, Sosial distansering, Lockdown-tiltak, frihet, slaver, Eliter, Politikere, Akademia, Korrupt, nanoteknologi, Datasett, Velg Sett, 1984, Huxley, Brave New World, DAVOS, Berømt, Berømt for, HPLC, The Highwire EPISODE, 2024, WEF, World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer vaksine, Moderna vaksine, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Microsoft, Patent 060606, The High Wire, of the Beast, of Satan, Mos, Mosf, Mos-2, Codon merking, Codon koder, High Wire, Evil, overvåking, Post-markedsføring overvåking, EMA, EUA, Autorisasjon, EUA Authorization, retningslinjer, protokoll, protokoller, symbolsk, Final, retningslinje, offisiell uttalelse, Offisiell plikt, Gov, Gov, stat-orkestrert, Israel Defense Forces, IDF, Edge, Nudge, CORE, Open Access forskning, autorisasjon for nødbruk, informert samtykke, mandater, Lockdown,, vitenskap og teknologi, vitenskap og kunst, Cestui Que Vie, Cestui Que Vie Trust, stivkrampe, Lawfare, Gaza, Hamas, opprørere, Israel, produksjon, RFID, ISO, ISO-kode, ISO 15693, informatikk, nanovitenskap, nems, Zelenko, Zelinsky, Serum, Farmakopia, 333, Gamers, Vietnam, Poulet, Paris, utforske, Tunisia, Morgellons sykdom, elsker deg, Siliana, Tunis, Gabes, Gafsa, Mosef, Abdulla, The Person, Abraham, Abrahim, Smart Contract, Muhammed, Muhammad, mems, inkluderer, integrerer Plasmodium, Jefferey Jaxen, Del Bigtree, Rowling, Merkur, Venus, Saturn, Månen, Jupiter, Mars, mems, 777, NEMS, Bio-NEMS, synbio, Covid19 Dødsskudd, syntetisk biologi, igem, um, kg, kilo, k, design, bio-konstruert Agrobacterium, Niomics, intracellulære, 5G, 6G, og utover, frekvens, Tesla, Dr. Rife, Rife, Rife frekvens behandling, Rife Frekvenser, Helse tjenestemenn, ulovlig, tyranni, totalitær, Overreach, Ikke tråkk på meg, Bevegelse, Anti-etablering, icd10cm, Y36, Y35, Bioteknologi funnet i matvarer, Bioteknologi funnet i vaksiner, Bioteknologi funnet i drikkevarer, Kjemisk analyse, Medisinsk tyranni, Helsekoder, Mueller Matrix, Helseforskrifter, 420, 402, Væsker, Haemophilus, influensa type b, influensa Type A, 5-stjerners, kuratert, WHO-traktaten, Verdens helseorganisasjon, WHO forberedte traktaten, WHO Health Regulations, erklære pandemier, uvaksinerte, Unjabbed, Anti-vaxxer, Anti-vaxer, statistiske bevis, Annontation, annontation rørledninger, Genomic Pipeline, PFIZER FARMASI, Genom visning, Genomic databaser, In-silico, In-vivo, In-vitro, mr iirs , syntetisk biologi, systembiologi, iGEM, Synbio Europe, Harvard Study, Johns Hopkins, Maryland, Colorado, Pro-, Delaware, Hypnose, ID2023, Culombia, mRNA influensaskudd, Nürnberg-koden, viral kapsid, virale kapsidantigener, ikke-virale, ikke-virale amfipatiske antigener, menneskelig vaksinasjon, som delvis, ISCOMs, rabies, gp340, EB-virus, gp120 HIV, teknologi, genetikk forskning, design, genteknologi, bioteknologi, BioNTech, bios, tech, gen, redigere, synbioid, syntetisk, enzymer, redigering, organisme, genom redigering, genom, synbio Indonesia, CRISPR, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Lag , Laget , bioinformatikk, molekylærbiologi, bakterier, bakterier, Har en , 1st, 2nd, dosering, dose, Gjør , mikrobiologi, virus, covid, Covid-19, C10, vaksine, vaksiner, Covid mRNA Vaksine, Covid mRNA sprøyte , Immunisering, antistoffer, forskningsrapport, vitenskapelige funn, Chemspider, Bing Søk, Biotech forskere, Nano, Nano verden, NIH, CDC, FDA, Fauci, Dr. Collins, Ecohealth Alliance, Ecohealth, Baric, Barbaric, Chappel Hill, folkemord, biovåpen, injeksjoner, biokrigføring, hybrid, hybrid krigføring, menneske 2.0. The Great Reset, Schwab, Charles Schwab, PCR, Covid testing, Vax, Shot, Death skutt, Clot skutt, Bioweapon injeksjoner, DoD, State University, DARPA, URLLC, URLLC Event 201, pandemi, CNN, NSNBC, Bloomberg, BBC, BBC News, BBC Propaganda, Plandemic, på Fox, vitenskap, biologi, mikrobiologi, helsepåvirkning, Bill Maher, Harry Potter, bioteknologi som brukes, laboratorium, mikrobiolog, bakteriofager, isotropisk, radiologi, radiologisk, lab, genomfrekvenser, Rev. 2, Rev 2, LgF, IgF, Fight, coronavirus, bakterier, medisin, mikroskop, biokjemi, forskning, mikrobielle arter, sopp, mycel, keramikk, antiseptisk, laboratorietesting, Lab Test, Compound, Agent, Substance, arter, Chimera, kimær, kimærer, kimærer, T-CAR terapi, T-CAR, Pegylering, Pegylerte nanopartikler, proteiner, SPIONS, PRIONS, sykdom, sykdom, SARS-COV-2, Simian Virus, Virus laget i biolab, Lab-laget, menneskeskapte, Rømt, fagfellevurderte artikler, fagfellevurdert forskning , Swift, depotet, GitHub, The Lancet, Biorivx, Live virus, mRNA Technology, mRNA Platform, de novo mutasjoner, de novo syntese, personlig medisin, DNA-profil, DNA-sekvensering, DNA Frekvens, URLLC network , IoT URLLC , EPJ, Helseregister, elektronisk helseregister, mikroskopi, mikroskopi funn, QD, Qdots, ryggrad, spiral, fager, makrofager, lymfocytter, blodceller, plasma, virus, bakteriell infeksjon, HIV, HIV-1, Tony Fauci, Main Stream Media, Media løgner, American Frontline Doctors, aldri glemme, søkemotor, Lockstep, Global drift, Florida Surgeon General, Florida, Texas, LA, NY, Frihetsbevegelse, Freedom truckers , urettferdighet, Justis, Polymerisk, polyetylenglykol, PEI, PANI, PMMA; DAPI, ALEXA, Fylke, Alexa488, Siri, Luciferace , Luciferase proteiner , Fluoricent, PFAS, PAF, Poly aromatiske fluorider, Forever kjemikalier, pro-narkotika, Pro-narkotika, Prodrug, Prodrugs, Gene terapi, Behandlingsprotokoller, Hospital, livreddende, Sykehus , livreddende behandlinger, behandling, Dr Wagh, Wild Type, wt, forsker, medisinsk, Corona, bioteknologi, DNA, virus, desinfeksjon, Detox, Detox protokollen, Podcast, FanaticVoyage, Fanatic Voyage, Fantastic Voyage, FantasticVoyage, mikroskopisk prøve, lysfelt mikroskopi, lys mikroskopi, mørk felt Mikroskopi, Mørk mikroskopi, Biosyntetisk organisme, Craig Venter, Human Genome, Human Genome Project, Institutt, Orion, gresk mytologi, Platon, Kognitiv vitenskap, Nevroteknologi, EMF, EMF våpen, Energivåpen , DEW, NBIC domene, Super soldater, kunstige konstruksjoner, Fly, vaksine tidsplan, Karen Kingston, Dr, MD, Carrie Maday, Jessica Rose, lapskaus Peters, Globale nyheter, Globale hendelser, Trending nyhet hendelse, senator Rand Paul, Rand Paul, Nyhetsdekning, Alternative medier, Alt Media, Grupper, Januar 6, 2021, 2022, 2023, Syntetisk opprinnelse, Biosikkerhetsnivå, biosikkerhetsnivå 4, Gevinst av funksjonsforskning, Gain-of-Function Research, Gain of Function, Dual-use, Dual-use formål, Battlefield, Militærindustrikompleks, Interessenter, Global Health Initiative, Global Alliance For Vaccine Initiative, GAVI, Rebel News, Aaron Siri, Plotkin, Donald Trump, Trump, Operation warpspeed, Mihalcea, Vitenskap debatt, Podcast debatt, Nye , Fremvekst, Fremtidens applikasjoner, sikkerhet, radioaktive legemidler, usikkerhet, Ustabil, Kongressen, Representantenes hus, Senatet høring, Pony hale høringer, Micovic, Booster, Booster skudd, Vaccine booster, Stoppe overføring, Pfizer CEO, Pfizer Executive, Bourla, Helse byråer, grønn økonomi, bioøkonomi, Cryptocurrency, BTC, ERP, CRM, ETH, RIPPLE, Ripple effekt, kryptografisk, Crypto, Altcoins, Token, Coinmarketcap, gitter, polymer matrise, etsning, FIB, SEM, TEM, Electron mikroskop, EDX, klinisk utfall, Intra-body nano nettverk, IoT, Internet of Things, IoMT, Internett av medisinske ting, IoBNT, Internett av Bio-nano ting, nanonettverk, MESH, Mix, тут, Kommunikasjonssystem, Innovasjoner, Digitalisert, Implanterbar enhet, Pasientnærhet, Øyeblikkelig hjelp, Fjerndiagnostikk, Helseovervåking, Helse screening, Kroppslig, Kikhoste, Organer, Hudvev, Vevsteknikk, Polio, Meslinger, Superphyla, Røde hunder, Hydrogel, Hydrogels, Dermatologi, Entropi, Ontologi, Ovid metamorfose, Ovid metamorfoser, Transformere, Transmogrify, Overgang, legemidler, reseptbelagte legemidler, kjedereaksjon, langkjedereaksjon, PCR-test, nesepinne, cyborger, Borgs, Genom taksonomi database, Genom taksonomi, kjæledyr, Hunder, Katter, Rabies vaksine, Hepatit, Big Data, Reverse engineering, Reverse engineer, romfartøy, romskip, UAP, UFO, HetNetShorts, korte vitenskapelige videoer , Eksklusivt innhold , betalte abonnenter får ekstra, interessentmodell, interessentøkonomi, interessentkapitalisme, indre marked, hemmelighold, black-ops, psy-op, avdeling, av, ai, ki , ai-drevet, ai-kontrollert, ki-kontrollert, ki-drevet, ki-skapt , biohacking, cyborg, hjerne-maskingrensesnitt, NCI, hjernemaskin, nevrovitenskap, statlig finansiert, ulovlig, drepe, uskyldig, barn, uskyldige barn, barn og unge, Barn, unge , L-DOPA, sekvestrering, skolebarn, samfunnsmessig, sosialt press, ssDNA, modRNA; siRNA, sDNA, Genomisk screening, Genomisk sekvensering, GAVI, MERCK, MDR, AIMDD, AIMD, Aktiv implanterbar medisinsk utstyr, IVMDR, Post-markedsføring overvåking, Phyla, superphylum, EU-lov, føderal lov, folkeretten, internasjonale traktater, SIC 8888, SIC CODES, Ursula, mat ustabilitet, matsikkerhet, familievern, kriminelle, politiet, Interpol, CIA, FBI, Skyggeregjering , dyp stat, Politistat , antropologi, anestetika, 过, Risk fordel belønning, Sykepleiere, Eksperimentell teknologi, Fase-1, Fase-2, Fase-3 Trial, Forsøksdata , Kliniske forsøksdata , Sykdom av interesse , The Elders Of Zion, Sion, LCB_4, MBG-B, DPANN, Pfizer dokumenter, sykehjem, ventilatorer, maskerte barn, tull, tullete , medisinsk styre, medisinsk yrke, Metagenome, Dinoflagellate, varsler, administratorer, demokratiske partiet, republikanske partiet, demokrater, ARMAN, republikanere, Agenda for klimaendringer , Høyre fløy, radikale venstre, Neo, Brainfog, Psykologisk, fysiologiske, Psykokologiske effekter, Alvorlige Bivirkninger , VAERS , Rapporteringssystem , V-SAFE, Forbrytelser mot menneskeheten, sensur, sensur, sensur, Feilinformasjon, desinformasjon, feilinformert , med hensikt , tannleger , tannlege , Ivermectin, Ivermektin , Zink, Sink , EDTA, Chelatering, Vitamin-d, Vitamin D, D-Vitamin , Long-covid, Drama, Difteri, Vaksineinduserte, Vaksinebivirkninger, Medisinske data, Elektronisk helse, Et al, Reduserende symptomer, Immunsystem, Immunrespons, Fremmede proteiner, HEK-293, interessentgruppe, Embryo, Blodinfusjon, Legebesøk, The Highwire, Samling , Samle , Samlevideo, Samlevideoer , Samlevideor , Videoklipp, Insane , Mad , Crazy , Gal , Karen, Hjerteproblemer, Dendrimer, nevroner, synapser, synapsis, cortex, frontal, kroppsområde, Miceller, Polymer, Død sertifikater, Integrert biologi, Embedded nanotech, DOMS-sensorer, DOM-sensorer, Neutrino Lab, emmulsjon, env-teknologi, konvoluttteknologi, medikamentbærer, Blood Brain Barrier, Blod-hjernebarriere , Blodhjerne barriere , BBB, Innkapslet last, vorticellas , Hadesarchaea, SV40, SV40 Promotør, LNP nanopartikkel , Mikrobobler, MB, nanobobler, sonifisering, digitale optiske moduler, DOM, MR, stråling, strålesyke, New World Order, Ny Verdensorden , Reagan, Eisenhover, Thatcher, Lincon, Cult , Kult , kultmedlemmer , 5G Tårn , Militær operasjon , Mobiler , Mobiltelefon , Nano Domestic Quell program Dossier , Van der Waals , Nano Domestic Quell program , Nano Domestic Quell program , Nano Quell rapport, Nano Domestic Quell-rapport, Nano Quell, Intentional release , Patogen, Leathal pathogen, Pasient, Trust, Misbruk, Marsarchaeota, Appropriation, Trial, Juridiske saker, Fight for Freedom, Frihetselskere, Ytringsfrihet, USAs grunnlov, Rettigheter, Min kropp Mitt valg, Hysterisk, Dyrefarm, Fremtidsdystopi, Fremtidsscenario, Fremtidsprediksjon, Fremtidsteknologi, Teknologiapplikasjon, Innovativ løsning, 442 , Gratis , Dødelighet, Infertilitet, Infertilitetsrate, Dødelighetsrater, Bevis, Statistisk bevis, Anomali, Tall, helseforsikring, CBDC, Sentral Bank digital valuta, Canada, Australia, Covid-restriksjoner, Humanitær, Menneskerettigheter, Kroppslig autonomi, Regenerativ kunst, Fotografi, Bilder, Foto , 了, 的 , Hetteglass, Hette glass, Vaksineglass, Japan, Advisory Panel, Stew Peters Network , Coronavirus, MERS, Osaka, Legemiddelverket, Serum, Ebola, AIDS, Sandoz, AstraZeneka, BioNtech, Oxford, Vaksineutvikling, Hvem som , Hans , Her , Ham , Hun , De , Dem , Vitenskapseksperiment, Kjemoterapi, Medisinsk intervensjon, Vaksinasjonskampanje, CBER , IC, Video av , Video med , Videovisning , Videomateriale , videoopptak , Undercover-journalistikk, Juridisk myndighet, Juridiske rettigheter, Lovfestet, vedtekter, orden, krav, forferdelig, utrolig, utrolig, kjærlighet, kjærlig, omsorg, vennlighet, Solfeggio, Fibonacci-sekvens, Fibonacci, Nostradamus, spådommer, forutsi, tror, verdipapirer, SEC-arkivering, sikkerhetsutvekslingskommisjonen, QR-kode, QR , Kode , QR-skanning , Transformativ, Transformasjon, Flott tilbakestilling, følg , memy , Hvorfor er det , Hvem er , video fra , Videovisning , Videobeviser , Videoantydning , militær privatisering, autonome våpen, målrettet drap, nevrokrigføring, paramilitære operasjoner, Ødeleggende , utrolig , oppdagelser , oppdagelse , undercover-rapportering , prosjekt , program , Prosjektfinansiering, Konfiskering, FED , Landsdekkende, Nasjonale stater, amerikanske stater, stater i USA, USA, Intelligence Community, Intel on, Microfluidic, Mikrobrikke, Nanochip, humor , Panama Papers, WBAN, WIFI, Bluetooth, MAC, MAC-utsendende individer, Demonisk hensikt, Propaganda, Sannhetsdepartementet, Trudeau, Organisert, Noen, Student, Universitet, Diskriminering, Rasisme, Syntetiske filamenter, biosensorer, lokalområde, NIL, FIB, poding, etsing, fokusert ionstrålespredning, organer-på-brikke, regn-på-brikke, kvanteprikker, silikakuler, Au, An, Ti, Si, Mg, EC, CE, Metal Organic Framework, Parasitter, что, Forgiftning, Gift, mediert, Grov uaktsomhet, Fungus, sp , Herpes, World data, Effektiv behandling, Graphene detox, Crispr genredigering, Cas9, CRISPR, CRISPR Technology, Genomics , Mikromaskiner, 呢 , ACS Nano, Aktive kolloider, adaptive nanopartikler, COF-er, COF-struktur, Selvmontering, mimetikk, Van der Waals Materialer, msakni , youssef msakni , Reologi, Fundamental theory, beregninger av grensesnitt, Brukergrensesnitt , Polymer, upcycling, polymer upcycling, grensesnitt og kolloidvitenskap, Antifa, Innvandring , CrossRoads, Joshua Philipp, Epoch TV, Epoch Times, Web of Science, SCIE, Scopus, CAS-nummer , CAS , INSPEC, EBSCOHost, SwetsWise, Portico, Geopolitiske nyheter, å vite , Viten , Vet , The Enemy, The Order Of , Illuminati, Ideologi, Art Of War, ACSnano, Avanserte materialer, Funksjonelle materialer, Atomnivå, Transkripsjon, Oversettelse, Virusoverføring, Virulens, Viral, Blir viral, Sosiale medier, Blackout, Breaking news, Avslører, Utgivelse, On Camera-ordtak, Kamera, Videobevis, Potensial, Misbruk, Misbruk, Avskaffing, Infiserer, Muterende, Covid-mutant, Blir viral, Mutantvariant, Covid-variant, Omicron, Delta, Omega , Paclitaxel, Remdesevir, Apotek, Årsakssammenheng, Årsakssammenheng, Kobling, Tverrbundne , Tverrbundne bakterier , CLN , CNT , Karbon nanorør , Encellet nanovegg , United States Atomic Energy Commission, United States Atomic Energy Agency, AEA, AEC, avsetning, elektroporering, Ledende materiale, Hybridmateriale, Science Journal, Epidemiologi, Folkehelse, Hardtslående, Går viralt, Moderering av tale, Ai-assistent, Ai Buddy , Nettbrett, Talent, Pille , Nutraceuticals , Kationisk , Anionisk , Tektonisk , Plasmonisk , Sonofikasjon , Kolloidalt Sølv, Gull , Mineraler, Hydrokarbonhaleoverflateaktive stoffer, hydrokarbon, haleoverflateaktive stoffer, Vitaminer, Kreft, Tumor, Arkea, pattedyr, prokryotiske, eukryotiske, hydrofobe, lipider, konstruerte lipider, halveringstid, demonstrasjon, demonstrasjoner, rødpillet, birx, etterforskning, statsadvokat, lensmann, lokale myndigheter, virus laget i biolab, laboratorielaget, menneske- laget , Escape, Swift , NTNU , IEEE Presentation , IEEE Webinar , IEE paper, IEEE Researchers, Green New Deal, AOC, The Squad, Publisert i , PubMed , Artikkel , Gjennomgå, ta opp og behandle , Veiledning , Lær hvordan , MEDLINE , The Lancet , Biorivx , mdpd , Journal of , IEEE , Levende virus, Ekstremofiler, Foldeproteiner, Foldede proteiner, PRION-sykdom, Økning i kreft, Fødselsskader, Forfalsket produkt, Tørket blodprøve, PVA , Polyvinylalkohol, PANI, PEI , PMMA PGLA , PA , PAA , PET , PEDOT , QBIT , Computing Humans, mRNA Bioweapon, Straffeansvar, Krav, Kontraktsbrudd, Klausul, ALDRI TILGIV, Ralph Baric, Karen Kingston, Vanden bossche , Bossche , HeLa, memristor, SIV, SMV, Simian Monkey Virus, Redde liv, Spredning av sann informasjon, Ioner, Kolloidal, David Martin , Dr. David Martin , Krystall, Krystalldannelse, Dannelse av , Tilsetningsstoffer , Mattilsetningsstoffer , Sporingsenhet , Hjerneimplantat, Elon Musk , X , Tucker on X, TuckeronX, ytringsfrihetsplattform, Rumble, , Giftige nivåer, Helserisiko , Forurenset, Kontaminering, Ingles, Språk, Matforsyning, Vann forsyning, liv , leve , Familie, venner, foreldre, barn, infiserte, strekkoding, strekkodingsceller, nyhetsmedier, aviser, nettnyheter, SynBioBeta, Synbio Beta, nettkilder, skjult, storhendelse, katastrofe, overvåking, overvåkingsstat, storebror, fotoniske krystaller, metamateriale , Professor, Prof., digital helse , digital helsevesen , helsevesen, helse , helseteknologi , allmenlege , Selvstendig , Há , Não há , lege , International Atomic Energy Agency, IAEA, innovasjon , digital helsetjenesteleverandør, helsetjenester it , mental helse , medtech , Helmar Krupp , sykehusprotokoller , ORAL , ADP-Ribose, fjernovervåking , sikker , Fumio Kodama , automatisering , sensor , cctv , biology security , biotech lab in biology vitenskap, mikrobiologisk forskning, smart støv, aerosolisert, begrensede forbindelser, biokjemi, molekylærbiologi, forskning , dois, dna, medisin, laboratorium, bioteknolog, cellebiologi, laboratorium, mikrobiolog, medisinsk, biovitenskap , infeksjonssykdom , bioinformatikk , covid-svindel , inglês, zoologi , mikroskop , medisinske implantater , PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS Inc, PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc., implantater , medisinsk utstyr, ortopedi, repost , traumer, kirurger, leverandør i Storbritannia, distributør i Storbritannia, gbmfg, sbot, kirurgi, medisinsk innovasjon, uk mfg, actonfinishing, implantatkirurgi , Quantum Dots, três , AD, Semiconductor, Medisinsk enhet, Wearable device, DK , DE , NO , SE , GB , strekkbar elektronikk, dermalplaster, ikke-invasive, invasive behandlinger , kirurgisk implantat , uocuk , sbq , kirurgiske instrumenter , nanoteknologi , detaljert , nano , RNA, DNA, PEG, Genotoksisk, Terapeutika, Farmasi, Pharma, Big Pharma, WHO, IMF, Doze, Verdensbanken, Regjeringen, Young Global Leaders, Graphene Flagship , EU-parlamentet, EU-kommisjonen, debunked, debunking, EUH2020, Horizon 2020, Horizon 2030, H2020, H2030, Brainmaster, Ukonvensjonell krigføring, Asymmetrisk krigføring, NBIC, NATO, Russland, Ukraina, Act of , Ukraina-krigen, Russland-invasjonen, Digitalt helsesertifikat, Covid-pass, Maske, Maske iført, Hva er , Sosial distansering, Lockdown-tiltak, frihet , slaver, Eliter, Politikere, Akademia, Korrupte, nanoteknologi , eksperimentelle COVID-19 , JAMA , teknologi , nanoteknologi , modellering, 1984, Huxley, Brave New World, DAVOS, 2024, WEF, World Economic Forum, Bill Gates , Pfizer, Moderna, Pfizer-vaksine, Moderna-vaksine, Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, Bill And Melinda Gates Stiftelsen , Edwin Black, CHS, MS, Patent 060606 , Mark of the Beast, Satans Merke , Lucifers merke , Codon-tagging, Codon-tags, SUrveillance, Post-marketing surveillance, EMA, EUA, Autorisasjon, nødbruksautorisasjon, informert samtykke, mandater, lockdown, Watson, IBM Watson, industri , robotikk , IBM Blue , nanovitenskap , e-numre, 2 6, 6 2, 26, 62, Eco-health Alliance, fluorerte nanopartikler, nanokonjugater , Peptides Short , Syntetisk medisin , COX-2-hemmere, intra-vert-replikasjon, in-host-replikasjon , replikasjonsdefekt , muterende patogen , Joe Rogan , lekk vaksine , plasmid-replikoner , PFAM-proteiner , replikoner , PBRT-system , DNAb , DNAa , primase , replisom , Dimer-test , 06/2, 06/06, 02 , 02/6 , Bizzini , Henle, Menneskeart, menneskelige emner, D-dimer , SRS, SSRI, Virologi, Wang , viral vaksine, Covax , tunis , Pittman , Hilleman , phmpt ,, funnymems , mems, NEMS, Bio-NEMS, Intelligent design, iGEM Norge, iGEM-arrangement, Video fra , Lag , Laget , ellipsometrisk , ellipsometerteknologi , Ellipsometri , multisensorisk, sensorintegrasjon, Solid-state enheter, multisensoriske nevroner, nevromorf databehandling, kunstig , naturlig intelligens, visuotaktile nevroner, fotosensitive monolag, monolag MoS2, memtransistor, triboelektriske, taktile sensorer, bios , bioteknologi , synbioid , Niomics, Intracellulært, 5G, 6G, Computronium, Programmerbar materie, Programmerbare materialer, Frekvens, Tesla, Dr. Rife, Rife, Rife-frekvensbehandling, Vaksinemakere, Helsetjenestemenn, Ulovlig, Avfolking, Tyranni, Totalitær, Overreach, Ikke tråkk på meg, Bevegelse, Anti-etablissement, Bioteknologi funnet i matvarer, mRNA funnet i mat, Forurenset matforsyning, Steve Kirsch, Bioteknologi funnet i vaksiner, Mikrobobler funnet i vaksiner, Bioteknologi funnet i Drikkevarer, Kjemisk analyse , Biofeltet, Aura, Medisinsk Tyranni, Helsekoder, Helseforskrifter, WHO-traktat, Verdens helseorganisasjon, WHOs forberedelsestraktat, WHOs helseforskrifter, Erklæring av pandemier, Uvaksinert, Unjabbed, Anti-vaxxer, Jessica Rose, Statistisk bevis, Annonteringspipelines, Genomvisning, Genomiske databaser, Expose-News, Daily Clout, In-silico, In-vivo, In-vitro, crispr, team , igem hq , igem samarbeid , mr iirs , syntetisk biologi , systembiologi , igem , synbio , bioteknologi , biologi , DoD Direktiv 5111.21, Arms Transfer, Technology Release, Senior Steering Group, vitenskap, teknologi, forskning, genetikk, design, om, ER, Yuval Noah Harari, genteknologi, Noah Harari, gen, rediger, synbioid , syntetisk , enzymatisk , genomredigering , genom , synbio indonesia , crispr , Microsoft , molekylærbiologi , bakterier , bakteriell , evig liv, mikrobiologi , virus , covid-19 , Covid-19 sykdom , C10 , Vaksine , Administrasjonsveier , Vaksiner , Covid mRNA Vaksine , Atomic Energy Agency, Covid mRNA Shot, во , со , ли , enten , hvis , i , ved , super, eksakt, Vaksinasjon, antistoffer, forskning rapport , vitenskapelige funn, Chemspider , Bioteknologiske forskere , Nano , Nano world , NIH , CDC , FDA , Fauci , Dr. Collins , Ecohealth Alliance , Siemens , Ecohealth , Baric , Chappel Hill , Folkemord , Biovåpen , hybride injeksjoner , Genmodifiserte Vaksiner , GMO, GMO Vaksiner , biovåpen , hybrid krigføring, menneskelig 2.0. The Great Reset , Schwab , Charles Schwab , PCR , Covid-testing, Vax , Shot, Death shot, Clot shot, Biovåpen injeksjoner , DoD-program , DARPA-program , Event 201, Pandemi, Plandemi, vitenskapelig , biologi gikk galt , mikrobiologi , helse , bakteriofager, bakteriefager, fager , Yahoo søkemotor, isotropisk, radiologi, på video , rå opptak , usensurert , radiologi , koronavirus , ATP, bakterier , ZION, OPPFØLGEREN TIL, mikrober , sopp , laboratorietesting , forbindelse , middel , stoff , arter , kimær , kimær , kimær Pegylering, Pegylert , Proteiner, SPIONS , PRIONS , Sykdom , Sykdom, SARS-COV-2, Simian Virus, Virus laget i biolab, filosof Voltaire , Voltaire , Lab-laget , menneskeskapt , Escape, Swift , The Lancet , 9/11 , 11/9 , Biorivx , Depp , DAPP , DAO , Levende virus, mRNA-teknologi , mRNA-plattform , Personlig medisin, DNA-profil, DNA-sekvensering, EPJ , Helseregister, Elektronisk helseregister, mikroskopi , mikroskopifunn, QD, Qdots, Fager, Makrofager, selvreplikerende molekyler, Lymfocytter, Blodceller, Plasma, Virus, Bakteriell infeksjon, HIV, HIV-1, Tony Fauci, Main Stream Media, Medieløgner, ALDRI GLEMT, Lockstep, Global operasjon, Florida Surgeon General, Florida , Texas, LA, NY, IcanX , Intelligent Soft Electronics , Healthcare Monitoring and VR , Intelligent Soft Electronics for VR , Soft Electronics for VR , Frihetsbevegelse, Freedom truckers, Injustice, Justice, Polymeric , Polyethylene Glycol , ALEXA, Ai Revolution , Ai in Health, Ai og Big data, Luciferase , Google , Luciferace , Fluoricent , PFAS', PAF's, PolyAromatic Fluorides , PAH's , Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons , Forever-kjemikalier , pro-drugs , Drogas , genterapi , behandlingsprotokoller, sykehus , Legevakt, Ambulanse, Livreddende , Livreddende behandlinger , Behandling , vitenskapsmann , medisinsk , Unge globale ledere. corona , bioteknologi , dna , virus , VSRS, Kirsch, Kirsch podcast, event 201-video, desinfeksjon , Detox, Detox-protokoll, Podcast, FanaticVoyage, Fanatic Voyage, Fantastic Voyage , FantasticVoyage , Mikroskopisk prøve , YouTube-kanal, Youtube og yt, genomics genom, Lysfeltsmikroskopi, Mørkfeltmikroskopi, IBM , Biosyntetisk organisme, Craig Venter, Human Genome, Human Genome Project, Institute, OG , Okey, Ok , Kognitiv vitenskap, Altcoin, Nevroteknologi, EMF , EMF-våpen , ACE2-reseptor, ACE2 , Binding til ACE2, Directed Energy Weapons, DEW, DEW's, NBIC, Supersoldater, en , av , Kunstige konstruksjoner, Fly, Vaksineplan, Karen Kingston, Dr, MD, Carrie Maday, Tucker Carlson, Globale nyhetsbegivenheter, Solar Engineering, Dimming av solstrålene, Trendnyheter, begivenhet , Nyhetsdekning, Alternative medier, Alt Media, Grupper, Januar , Februar , Mars , April , Juni , Juli , August , September , October , November , Desember, 2019 , 2020 , 2021 , 2022 , 2023 , 2024 , Syntetisk opprinnelse, biosikkerhetsnivå, biosikkerhetsnivå 4 , Forsterkning av funksjon , dobbeltbruk , Gain of Function forskning , dual-use applikasjoner , Forbindelser , Biovåpen forskning, Forskning på biovåpen , Dobbel-bruk formål , Atmosfærisk , Nós temos, Teamo, Te Amo, moneda , Amor, Battlefield, Slagmarken , Slagmark , Militært industrikompleks, Globalt helseinitiativ, på , Dr Akyildiz, ikke , har , å , Aaron Siri , Plotkin , Donald Trump , Trumps Operation warpspeed , Mihalcea, Podcast, Nytt, Ny, fremtidige applikasjoner , sikkerhet , usikkerhet , Ustabil , Geopolitikk, Operation warpspeed, Værmanipulering , Geoteknikk , Kongressen, Representantenes hus, Senatets høring, meningsløse høringer , Høringsinnstanser , Høringer på , Høringsuttalelse, Varsling , Varsle , Micovic, Booster, Booster-skudd, Google-søk, Vaksineforsterker, Stopping av overføring, Pfizer CEO, Pfizer Executive, Bourla, Helsebyråer, Grønn økonomi, Bioøkonomi, Kryptovaluta, BTC, ERP, CRM, ETH, другой , RIPPLE, Token, BAN, Banned, Bli med, tilby, studenter, Coinmarketcap, Lattice, Polymer matrise, etsing, FIB, SEM, TEM, Elektromikroskop, EDX, Klinisk utfall, Intra-body nano-nettverk, IoT, Internet of Things, IoMT, Internet of Medical Ting, IoNT, Internet of Nano things, nanonettverk, MESH, Mix, Kommunikasjonssystem, Innovasjoner, Digitalisert, Implanterbar enhet, Point-of-care, PEG-Tailed, sfæriske miceller, disklignende miceller, sfærisk PVA , micelles, diskliknende vesikler, vesikler, Hastehjelp, Fjerndiagnostikk, Sabrina Wallace, Helseovervåking, Helsescreening, Kroppslig, Organer, Hudvev, Vevsteknikk, Hydrogel, Hydrogeler, большой, ikke-polare løsningsmidler, Løsemiddel, Løsemidler, heksan, toluen, Lipofilisitet , Lipofil, fysikalsk-kjemisk, absorpsjon, utskillelse, Halveringstid, farmakokinetisk, farmakodynamisk, ADMET, Legemiddeloppdagelse, medikamentutvikling, Beta-glukosidase, ikke-polare løsningsmidler, Løsemidler, Løsemidler, heksan, toluen, Lipofilisitet, Lipofil, Fysisk-kjemisk, absorpsjon, utskillelse, Halveringstid, farmakokinetisk, farmakodynamisk, ADMET, Legemiddeloppdagelse, medikamentutvikling, Beta-glukosidase, β-glukosidase, Beta-glukosidase, Kjemiske egenskaper, Dermatologi, Entropi , Ontologi , Ovid-metamorfose, Transformering, Transmogrify, Transitioning, overføring av grafenoksid, pust og hud, jf. blod fra unvaxxed, , vaxxed foreldre, Drugs, Legemiddelresept, Kjedereaksjon, Langkjedereaksjon, PCR-test, Nasal Swab, Cyborgs, Borgs, Kjæledyr , Hunder, Katter, Kattevideo, Kjæledyr, Hundevideo, Stoffer, forhåndslisensiering, Rabiesvaksine, DTP-vaksiner, DTaP, DTaP-vaksine, Hepatitt, Big Data, Interessentmodell, Interessentøkonomi, Internt marked, Hemmelighold, Black-ops, Psy-op, Institutt, Av medisin, av helse, By, Ai, Ai-drevet, Ai kontrollert, Biohacking, Cyborg, Brain-Machine Interface, NCI, Brain-machine, Neuro science, Offentlig finansiert, Ulovlige, viruslignende partikler , VLP, Adjuvans , Adjuvanser brukt i vaksiner , Adjuvanser , Adjuvanser i , Er adjuvanser , Drepe, Dreping , Ta livet av , Innocent, barn, barn, unge, skolebarn, Societal, showing C. Elegans, c elegans, Protein Tagging, Manetprotein, Sosialt press, ssDNA modRNA; siRNA, sDNA, Genomisk screening, Genomisk sekvensering, GAVI, Polymerase-hemmer, Polymerase, Inhibitor , Pharm-klasser, Klasse , Poly(, Poly, polyhale, PEG hale , Poly , MERCK , MDR , AIMDD Rev, AIMD , Active Implantable Medical Device, IVMDR, Post-marketing surveillance, EU Law, Federal Law, International Law, International Agreements, Ursula , food instability, A/S, GmBH, LLP, SpA, natural detoxification, LLC, healing pathways, Annua, Artemisia Annua, Wormwood, AS, NUF, Ltd, LLC, matsikkerhet, familiebeskyttelse, kriminelle, DoD Direktiv 2311.01 , DoD Law of War Program , Law Of War , Police, CIA, FBI, Shadow Government, deep state , Skuespillere, Antropologi, anestetika, Dr. Yeadon, Dr. Merritt, Dr. Cahill, Risk benefit-belønning, Sykepleiere, Eksperimentell teknologi, Fase-1, Fase-2, Fase-3-forsøk, Corona Virus-vaksine, Rekombinant vaksine, Forsøksdata , Desease of interest, Pfizer-dokumenter, sykehjem, kjærlighet , liker , funnymemes , ventilatorer, mikrobiell mat, overflødighetshorn , maskering av barn, tull , useriøst , medisinsk styre, medisinsk profesjon, varsler , Administratorer, overflateantigen, NIBSC, Storbritannia, Toksikologi, ACER, ACE, ACE-2-reseptor , ACE-2, Binding til ACE-2, 相信我, Demokratisk parti, Republikansk parti, Demokrater , Republikanere , Klimaendringsagenda, Høyre , venstreradikal, Hjernetåke, Fysiologiske , Fysiologiske , Fysiologiske effekter, Uønskede hendelser, VAERS , Rapporteringssystem , V-SAFE , Forbrytelser mot menneskeheten, Antivaxxer, Sensur, Sensurering , Sensurering , Desinformasjon , desinformasjon , feilinformasjon , med hensikt , pediatikk, Tannlege, Tannlege , Ivermectin , Zink , EDTA , Chelatering , Vitamin-D, Vitamin D , Long-covid , Vaksine-indusert , Vaksinebivirkninger, Medisinske data , ICD-10 Code Z2809 , ICD-10 Code Z2889 , Electronic Health, Documentary on Transhumanism, Korarchaeota, Thermoproteota, Elsevier , Aigarchaeota, Geoarchaeota, Nitrososphaerota, Bathyarchaeota, Eukaryomorpha, J. Giordano, Asgard , neuro-sensory augmentation devices, Odinarchaeota , Thorarchaeota , Lokiarchaeota , Helarchaeota , Heimdallarchaeota , Mitochondrial DNA, Chloroplast, DNA primer, 16S Ribosomal RNA, SSU rRNA, Proteoarchaeota, +α-Proteobacteria, Eukaryota, Reducing symptoms, Immune system, Immune respons, Faresignal, Hygieneprodukter, Assessories, Fremmede proteiner, HEK-293, Embryo, Devs, same time, Maid, Void, Noen , Blodinfusjon, Legebesøk, Compilation , Compilation video, Videos , Insane , Mad , Crazy , Karen , Hjerteproblemer, Dendrimer, dendrimerer, nevroner, synapser, synapsis, cortex, frontal, body area, Micelles, Polymer, Death certificates, Ovid Metamorphoses, Ovid Metamorphosis, Integrated biology, Nanoparticle vaccine, recombinant spike protein, Embedded nanotech, Integral part, emmulsion , env technology , envelope technology, Drug carrier, Blood Brain Barrier, BBB, Encapsulated load, SV40 , SV40 Promoter, Lipid Nanoparticle, LNP, Microbubbles , MB , MB's, 生命 , Nanobubbles, Sonification, Sunfellow, 你明白了吗, MRI, Radiation, Radiation sickness, 5G Towers, Military operation, Thor, Nano Qwell, Nano Quwell, ultracain, Intentional release, Pathogen, Leathal pathogen, Patient, Deal, Trust, Misuse, Dr John Campbell, John Campbell, Dr Campbell, Technometrics, Techmetrics, Tech Metrics, PAN, Personal area network, discriminatory topology, dimension theory, morphometrics, pattern recognition, Spatial , Temporal , Nuclear Physics, Arthur Raymond, Chief Engineer, Vacuna de Pfizer , Vacuna de Moderna , No Lo Se , Vacunas , Vacunar , Vacunados , Franklin Collbohm, iPSCs-neurons , hiPSC biology, organoid technologies , Organoid-on-a-Chip, neural circuitry, neural circuits, Brain organoid, Cerebral organoid, unlicensed LTE, Human Transformation, Z2889 , distributed antenna systems, DAS , Amoeba, Single cell organism, Hariolf Grupp, Devendra Sahal, A. J. Alexander, J. R. Nelson, B. M. Mitchell, RAND Corporation, Raytheon, Lepton, Muon, Electron , Gluon, SDM , Quark, Higgs Boson, Positron, Coccia, Small Cells, Cloud-RAN, CRAN , acs synthetic, Sacrificial, Sacrifice, Appropriation, Euryarchaeota, Trial, Legal cases, Legal case, Fight for Freedom, Freedom lovers, Free speech, Transparency , US Constitution , Rights , My Body My Choice, Hysteric, Animal farm, Future dystopia, people who, Future scenario, Future prediction, Future technology, Technology application, Innovative solution, Free , Mortality, Infertility, Infertility rate, Mortality rates, Active Implantable Medical Device Directive, Proof , Statistical proof, Anomaly, Figures, numbers, health insurance, Nǐ gēn, CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currency, Weaponizable neuroscience technologies, Canada, Australia, Documentary about Transhumanism, Attack On Human Biology, Covid restrictions, Humanitarian, Human rights, Origami, DNA Origami, DNA microrobots, DNA Robot, DNA bots, Bodily Autonomy, Regenerative art , seen through a microscope, metallorgano framework, Radioactive isotopes, acoustic radiation, phonon scattering, thermoelastic effects, phonon viscosity , Photography, Photos , Vial, Vials, Danger of, Danger to, Vaccine vials, Japan, Advisory Panel, Coronavirus, MERS, Ebola, AIDS, Sandoz, Family, Nucleur Family, BrighteonTV channel, Brighteon TV, On Live TV , Broadcast , AstraZeneka, Bolag, BioNtech, GMBH, Oxford , Vaccine development, Anyone, Price, His , Her , Him , She , They , Them , Science experiment, société à responsabilité limitée, Società a garanzia limitata, Empresa, Bolag, Selskab, Selskap, Akyildiz , Firma, GmBH, Handelsregister, Commercial license, WHFIT , SICAV , ETF , UCITS , Kandel, Schwartz and Jessel , Biobegroing , støperi , opptak , kontrollert frigjøring , adaptive kolloider , gjentatte etylenglykolenheter , CH2CH2O, slaglandskap , mikrobiom, UCITS ETF , MSCI , Luxembourg, Switzerland, SDG, UNDP, UNIDO, FAO, FN, FN systemet, UN System , Kongsberg Automotive, KOA , Chemotherapy, Medical intervention, Vaccination campaign, CBER , IC, Video av , Video with , Video showing , Video material, video footage , Undercover journalism, Color, Legal authority, Legal rights, Statutory, Statutes, Order , Claiming , Claim , Claims , Horrific , Incredible , Amazing , Love , Loving , Caring , Kindness , Believes , Securities , SEC Filing , Security Exchange Commission , StopWorldControl, mAbs, IgG antibodies, IgG, Transformative, Transmogrify, to user, to use in, substitute for, nedbrytbar bærer , Bærere , Transformation, Great Reset, Why is it , Who is , Norway , video from , Video clip showing , Video clip proving , M2 Matrix, Video implying , Is , Are , Devestating, Unbelievable, IEEE 802.15.6 , IEEE 802.0 , IEEE 802.1 , Discovers , Discovery, undercover reporting, Project , Program, Project funding, Confiscation, FED, Nationwide , Nation States, US States, States in US, United States of America, Global companies , NASA , Intelligence community, Walinsky, Anderson , Petersen, Debate, Intel on , Failed , emergent chronic illnesses, long covid, fatigue, infertility, Z2809 , miscarriages, cancers, diabetes, heart damage – myocarditis etc, blood clotting, string clotting, Mass Psychosis, Failure , Capsomere, Leaders , Photonic , Photonics, p24, Retroviruses, Microfluidic, on-a-Chip , Microchip, Nanochip, Soft Electronics for VR , VR Soft Electronics , WBAN, WIFI, Bluetooth , MAC, MAC Emitting individuals, Demonic Intent, Propaganda , IEEEEE, Pierdolic, Ministry of Truth, Trudeau , HetNet systems , HetNet Exclusive , HetNet Channel , HetNet Access , ohälsa , hälso , helse , helsa , hell , SA, ID Number, Psinergy , Stanford, Organized , Someone , Student , Biotronic , Dr. Akyildiz , telemonitoring, Abbott , Microport, Boston sc, Functional analysis, Declassified Government Documents, Declassified Documents , Diagnostic Catheter, electrostimulation, PES, Catheter device, Implantable Catheter, Platin, Platinum, Iridium, SINTEF, University, Discrimination, Racism, Uncensored, Against the world, EPIC video, Photo , Synthetic filaments, bio-sensors, BNS, BNB, Binance, stemcells, stem cells, Brundtland, Bio Nanosensors, Local Area, NIL, FIB, Grafting, Etching, Focused Ion Beam Scattering, Integrase, P24, Protease, Matrix Proteins, FIB, FIB's, Eugenics, Organs-on-a-Chip, rain-on-a-Chip, Quantum Dots, QD's, QD, Silica Spheres, Au, PMCPA ruling, PMCPA, PMC, PVP, PVS, PVC, An, Ti, Si, Mg, EC, CE, Metal Organic Framework, Parasites, Poisoning, Poison, mediated, ionic amphiphiles, Gross negligence, P17, Capsid, Fungus, sp, Herpes, World data, World In Data, Effective Treatment, Graphene detox, severe allergic reactions to vaccines, severe allergic reactions, allergic reactions, Allergy, Test, Examination, vaccine components, Vaccine patents, mRNA vaccine patents, Crispr gene editing, Cas9, CRISPR, CRISPR Technology, Genomics, Alternatives to, Micromachines, ACS Nano, ACSnano, Advanced Materials, Functional materials, Atomic level, Transcription, Translation, Virus transmission, Virulence, Viral, Going viral, Gp120, Gp41, p53, Social media, Breaking news, Prof, Unveils, Liposomes, nanoliposomes, Release, On Camera saying , Conversation, classified Government Documents, classified Documents, Roundtable, discussing , Oui , Le , La , Les , non , tu , vous, un , une des , Camera, Video proof showing , Camera Occulta, Potential, Abuse, Abusive , Glycoprotein, Shedding, Infecting, rsa conference, , Conference, Mutating, Covid mutant, Mutant varianter, Muterte , Muterte Varianter , Stands, Strains, Stained, Covid Variant, Omicron, Delta, Omega, Paclitaxel, Remdesevir, Apotek, årsakssammenheng, årsakssammenheng, kobling, tverrbundet, tverrbundet bakterier, CLN, CNT, karbon nanorør, encellet nanovegg, encellet vegg, avsetning, elektroporering, historie , ledende materiale, hybridmateriale, Science Journal, Scheme , Plot , Sett i video , DoD-direktiv 1322.18, Militærtrening , Sett på TV, Epidemiologi, FRITT, Solar Geoengineering, Geoengineering, 我不喜欢 , Værmodifikasjon, Værmodifikasjonsprogram, Dim Earth, Dimming Sun,, Langmuir Helse, Hardtslående, Ian Akyildiz, Going viral, они , Moderering av tale, Ai Assistant, Das, Ai Buddy, Tablet, Pill, Nutraceuticals, Kationisk, Anionisk, Tektonisk, Plasmonisk, Sonofisering, FaceBook, FB, YT, I, Kolloidalt , Kolloidalt sølv, Gull, Mineraler, Vitaminer, Kreft, Tumor, Die, Nicht, Archaea, på bånd, quadrivalent influensavaksine, avsløre kriminelle, R.Y Pei, C. M. Francisco, Pattedyr, SCAM, kryogen, Finland, Eucryotic, Video Loop, Sticker, former CIA, officer, Fabeeo, Hydrophobic, Lipids, Engineered Lipids, Tactile, Half-life, Demonstration, Demonstrations, Red-pilled, Birx, Take, Investigation, Loop Sticker, Loops sticker, Bovine serum albumin, BSA , lysozyme , Syntetisk albumin, riksadvokat, sheriff, lokale myndigheter, Virus made in biolab, Lab-made, man-made, Escape, Swift, BlackRock, Svart Karbon, Karbon Svart , IEEE Presentasjoner, IEEE Webinar, IEEE papirer, IEEE forskere, IEEEE, Publisert i , Produkt ID, SKU, MPN, GTIN, UPC, ISBN, EAN, EAN-13, GUDID , Conjugate, Conjugates, Immunoblotting, Methylated, Methylene blue, chemical compound, Nootropic, clifford carnicoms, Carnicom , Carnicom research, SEM images, TEM images, Xenobiotic compound, Xenobiotics, Live viruses, 很好 , The Lancet, Biorivx, mdpd, Journal of, IEEE society , FEDs, SWAP, Prisoner of war, Art of War, Jailed, Killed, jabbed, Extremophiles, Ovid metamorphoses, Metamorphoses, Ovid, Covidian, Draconian, Outside, vMAT, In the Sky, as seen on , SkyNet , similar to , Identical to , Other , Different , Major , Nuts, Euryarchaeota, Nanohalarchaeota, halobacteria, Korarchaeota, epic move , EPIC Moment , Thermoproteota, Aigarchaeota, Geoarchaeota, bar-Ilan, bar-Ilan University, Nitrososphaerota, Bathyarchaeota, Eukaryomorpha, J Giordano, James Giordano, Giordano, R & D, Asgard, Odinarchaeota, Thorarchaeota, Lokiarchaeota, Helarchaeota, Heimdallarchaeota, Eukaryota, Infinite Lifespans, Grand Challenge, Mainstream research, Mindboggling, Folding proteins, Wǒ bù xǐ huan, Folded proteins, PRION Disease, Cognitive Dissonance, Nuremberg, Rise in cancer, Birth defects, Adulterated product, vMAP, Dried blood sample, CHD, Children's Health Defense, PVA, Polyvinyl Alcohol, PANI, PEI, PMMA, COVID Bioweapon , Shedding, Does , PGLA, PLGA, PA, PAA, PET, PEDOT, QBIT, QBits, Odin, Computing Humans, mRNA Bioweapon , Magenta , Criminal liability, Claims, Breach of Contract, Clause, NEVER FORGIVE, Ralph Baric, Karen Kingston, Eternity, Vanden bossche, Bossche, Geert Vanden Bossche , SARS-CoV-2 infection, Covid Infection, Circulating Vaccine-Derived Polio Virus, Morgellon, HeLa, memristor, SIV, SMV, Simian Monkey Virus, Saving lives, graphene oxide assembling in the blood, Fri , Electrochemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, photocatalysis, Single molecule, single atom catalysts, uptake , controlled release, computated interface, Circulating Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus, cVDPV, Vaccine-Derived Poliovirus, VDPV, perpetuity, perpetual , Motion , Pictures , Pandemic Data , Polymer films, Adhesion, Spreading true information, THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, Ions, Colloidal, 人生 , Vaccine-Induced , 生活 , Immune system response, 命 , David Martin, Dr. David Martin, Crystal, Crystal formation, Formation of, Additives, Food additives, Tracking device, Brain implant, Elon Musk, X, Tucker on X, TuckeronX, free speech platform, Rumble,, Rumble Inc, Rumble Stock, Rumble Company, Rumble CEO, Water supply , Life , Nayib Bukele , President El Salvador , Toxic levels , Health risk, Contaminated , Contamination , Food supply, Live , Family, Friends, Parents, kids, Infected , Biggest , Strongest , Smart , Smart Watch, Dr Bryan Ardis Show, Trump MAGA, Visuo-tactile, Operation Cumulus, Barcoding , Barcoding cells , Antifa, Immigration, CrossRoads, Joshua Philipp, News Media, Newspapers, Online news, Online sources, Hidden, Dr. Zandre Botha, Dr. Zandre, Major Event, Geoengineering watch, Cloud Seeding, Brighting Clouds, Brighteon, Mike Adams, Health Ranger, Information war, Infowars, Video of , Adams,Catastrophy, Surveillance, Surveillance State, Big Brother, Photonic Crystals, CRISPR-Engineered, GFP, Pollutants, Microplastics, LEE VLIET, Green Fluoresense Protein, Mutant Jellyfish Aequorea Victoria, Mutagenic Species, lidocaine, Mutagenic, Mutant Jellyfish, Research video showing, Aequorea Victoria Mutagenic Species, Moving Around, Metamaterial science, Professor, League of 300, MXenes, nano , 2D , control, Dr. Botha, material, killer app, Drexel, energy storage, electronics, optics, catalysis, transition metals, neuromorphic, Getting Sick, CRT, Critical Race Theory, Doctors Speak Out, Nurses Speak Out, Scientists Speak Out , aluminum , silicon , lithium , carbon, nitrogen , Naguib, MAX phases, LQC, Espana, Madrid, Sex Change Operation, Anthony Blinken, Blinken, Scholar, Secretary of state, secretary of , Sweden, Tau, ADAM, vice president of , CEO of , Admin , Lehman Brothers, Obama, The Obamas, International Monetary Fund, BlackRock, Black Rock, Trans, Torture, Geoengineering, Terraforming, Protective Envelope, WBAN access , WLAN access , BLE sensors , Bt WLAN, Akyildiz, Ian Akyildiz, Todd Callender, Hybrid IEEE 802.15.6, Functional Hydrogel-Polymer, HINDAWI, Tactile sensing , radiation of colors, Dr Yeadon, dispersion oil, water , matrix of complex networks , chelate appendages, ghost shrimp , Hěn hǎo, bioluminiscent organism, weird fungus and tendrils, Synbio engineering, directed evolution of mankind, Hva ER , dimethylacrylamide , Kevin Shipp, anarchaea, hydra , drosophilia , spider silk network , thorax , hyphae , tremella fuciformis, protophyta, micro detail, long wispy tentacles, Photonic Crystals, ESG Score, ESG , Maga , Illness , Hab, Sudden death , Haraway , Zylinska , Tsing , Posthumanisme , transhumanisme , feminisme , antropocen , menneskesentrerthet , teknologi , etikk , teknopolitikk , in front of, Mega , AGA, Tom Haviland , Links, Linkage, NEMAtode, Metamaterial, microscopisk, Judy Mikovitz, libertarian, The Movie , Harmonic, Harmonic frequencies, healing frequencies, Fail, Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine, Pfizer Comirnaty, Pfizer Comirnaty Jab, Pfizer Comirnaty Vax, Pfizer, Global Elite, nøytraliserende antistoffer, Systemiske reaksjoner, lokale reaksjoner, heterotypiske , IP , IP-rettigheter, Varemerke, Opphavsrett, Dr Ardis, Pfizer Comirnaty Vaksinasjon , T , Nevrologiske koder ,, Somatosensoriske koder , Haptic , Auditiv cortex, Comirnaty hetteglass, Comirnaty hetteglass, человек , Comirnaty-vaksine, Ich, Comirnaty-vaksineingredienser, Vaksineadjuvanser, Comirnaty-ingredienser, Eukaryote, Eukaryote, President Trump, Méi guān xi, Phony, Form , Fake, Ny Biden, Form Fa , Hertuginne , Trance, Professor James Kwan, Prof James Kwan, James Kwan, Presentasjon, Fillers, quadrivalent, influensavaksine, Novartis, Stockholm, Lund, Svenska, Oslo, Allergan, Immunologic, Glaxosmith, København, LUMINA, RAD, Styringsgruppe, Styring komité, University of Oxford, pedagogisk video, Paclab, eksperimentell metallstruktur, bobler, boblemodell, bobler, dislokasjoner, kavitasjon, konstruerte lipider, halveringstid, Birx, Birx Group, Birc Group, HMS, HMQ, Ecosystem, State Street, Goldman Sachs, sionisme, miljømerke, global infrastruktur , syntetisk biologi marked , globalt energisystem , Vesna Radovanovic , ModernaTX , ModernaTX Inc , taktile sanser , nevrale tilbakemeldinger , Neurofeedback , TMS , Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation , NZDSOS Conference, NZDSOS, Vaksineplan, Sensorforgiftning, Strålingsforgiftning, Refleksjonslys, UCmax, Cmax, , Vd, Vdf, ratio , at , på , fremviser , G , India, taktile spatiotemporal , mekanoreseptorer, Mitrokhin et al , Gallego et al , kunstige taktile sensorer , Sanket et al , taktil sanseteknologi , taktil perseptuell, temporisk kompatibilitet taktile spatio temporal stimulans , skryter av , mister det , skryter , Argumentasjon , Gammel kvinne , Gammel mann , Liker , Dødelighetstall, Årsakssammenheng, Årsak bevist, Utdanningssystemet, DR. LEE VLIET, Utdanningssystem, Skolesystem, Forsikring, uten tvil, Dødelighetsstatistikk, Økt dødelighet, David Sorensen, Overdrevne dødsfall, Reseptbelagte medisiner, Koder i praksis, Autoritet, PMCP-kode, Reseptbelagte legemidler, Praksiskodeks, Helsekodifisering, ic , Polyvinylalkohol, Basert på , Bilder av , Fanget , Gammelt , Kort , Møt , Møtes , Felles , pressebriefing, Briefing, From the , icn , ic10, ccc, M19, Rolapitant, DC Swamp, so , 没关系 , to , COVIVAX , CoviShield , Virtual reality, corpuscle , Nociceptor , Merkel cell , Augmented Reality , AR , AR/VR , VR , VR/AR , Zigbee , ISA100.11a, WirelessHART, MiWi, BLE networks, Thread, Matter, LR-WPAN, MTG, Marjorie Taylor Green, Who is , What , FINN, Ulovlig og korrupt , bestikkelser , CDM, undertrykkelsesladning , Etterretningsbyrå, snoRNA, Molecular Machine, archaebacteria, eubacteria, Corrupted , Materialize, Materialized, Dr. Sam Bailey, Sam Bailey , Dr. Bailey , spaghettification, Libs , Libertarianism, European Center for Disease Prevention and Control , ECDC , Libtard, Libtards, Libs On TikTok, Libs of TikTok, TheMolecularMachine , Substack , Mørkefeltmikroskopi, mikrofotografi , tremella fuciformis, protophyta, Deep State, Deep State Actors, Dr Merritt , Shadow Government, No se , No se nada , Que es , cuanto , Vacuna , Vacunas , Poly-Vinyl-Alcohol, Dr Cahill, kjemisk våpen, molekylære mikromaskiner, Zandre Botha , hemmeligheter , Makrobiotikk, hemmelig , enorm , mengde, mennesker , Personer , Said to be , Sveits, folk sier, Individer, Lads, Chaves, corellation, metric , Dude , Mann , Kvinne , Jente , Gutt , Høne , Kvinnelig , Hun , Kina, Kinesisk, Danmark, Han , Mann , Verden, Tjenestetid, Goldman Sachs, GSK, Amgen, Beregning i nevrale systemer, trinn, Dr. Judy Mikovitz, Yale, Genotoxicity, CCP, barn som lever , Barn , Medisinsk dokumentar, Infomentary, Medisinsk tale, Overdødelighet, celledød, cytokinsignalering, Adopsis, Gratis, Oslo Manual, syntetisk mRNA, SARS-CoV-2-infeksjon, LVMH, Roche, Sanofi, ASML, Lilly, Spesialiserte Disiplin, Lege, Läkare, läkarna, Lekare, lekarer, Leger, Lektor, akademia, Vaksinebatch, Preservatives, polysaccharide, ISCOM, Tissue Fixatives, Squalene , IoMT , IoBNT, Internet of Nano things, Internet of Bio-Nano things, Makrogoler, Makrogol, Makrogol 400, Kaliumsorbat , Kaliumsorbate , Liechtenstein , Natriumbenzoat , Teknologiske våpen , ACLU, CA , WH , PVA-tynne filmer , Senter for , Overfølsomhet, Fremmedstoff, Thorax, Climax, Radikal , Radiofrekvenser, RF-signal, RF-system , Qlimax, Qlimax Event, Satan, Djeveldyrkelse, Etnologi, heterogen, heterogent nettverk, HetNet , Chedid, Chedid 1985, Bioaktivering, Bioaktivering av fremmede forbindelser, emulgerte oljeadjuvanser, Gupta et al, Gupta, etnografi, cellefusjon, celledød, Novo Nordisk, Novo Nordic, Apoptosis, Bio-RAD , Extra , Statens Serum Institut, SSI, NIPH, Disorder, Folkehelseinstituttet , locomotion, FHI , Folkhälsomyndigheten , FHM , Serum Institute of India , MSB , Clifford Carnicom , Dr. Young , Dr Young, Pandemiberedskap , Rekombinante , Rekombinante Menneskelige , Ikke-dødelige våpen , Drikker , Legemiddelverket , Morgellons, Philanthropist, MAC ID , M13 , Filantroper , Filantropiske, Dr Hoffe, korte vitenskapelige videoer, HetNet Computing, HetNets, Computing Humans , Computation, The Fall Of The Cabal, Klimaendringer , Support , Medisinske artikler , pubmed , ncbi , nlm , nih , Unvaccinated , Unvaccinated people , vs , triple vaxxed , Folkhalso , Triple vaxed , boosted , 10th mRNA shot, cross-linked copolymers of , Effect of , Injectable hydrogels , chitosan derivative , Hydrogel biomaterials , Protozoisk , Arzt, Doktor, Mediziner, chiral derivatizing agent , Chiral amines , Derivatization , population , get , similar sicknesses, APL , Ting Lu, ARPA-H , H-ARPA , Future Nutrition, Zionists , Rule , Ruler , Jerusalem, The King , PFIZER PHARMACEUTICALS, Inc, Ferromagnetic crystals , New , Old , Stop World Control, humoral , Mass Psychosis Formation, Dr. Ian Akyildiz, King , De Novo , De Novo Trial , 6LoWPAN , Mitochondrial DNA , Chloroplast , DNA primer , Primer field , Biofield , 16S Ribosomal RNA , SSU rRNA , nanopore , Oxford nanopore , U.S Lab , UK Lab , Computing Humans , London , Applied sciences, WW3, UK , Kiev , Moscow , Aether , Shanghai , IEEE Computer Society , Bejing , Developing countries, Proteoarchaeota , Belgia , J. Giordano , Giordano , Må Sees , Viral video , NEWS , Neuroethics, GmBH, Lecture , King Of The World, Great Britain, Illumina , DYI , United States , Dual use applications, Brian McNamara , Electronic Warfare , Biohacked , Independent research , Ban The Jab Resolution , Ban The Jab , BanTheJab , весь, Event , Events , Pseudouridine, Ephedrine, Suxamethonium Chloride, Protozoiske parasitter , ISSN , Metrisk , Metrisk , Skala, Forskning, IEEE 8802, ISO, IEC, Smart Utility Network, SUN, Frequency Shift Keying, FSK, Physical Layer, PHY, Phyton, Natural Immunity, Hydroxychloroquine, SIDS, Vaksineskader, Autoimmun sykdom, Autoimmune Fauci, Hillary Clinton, Freund, plasmid R6K , Plasmid DNA-fragmenter , Sabrina Wallace, PAN-sensorer, Personal Area Network, Freud, Donald Trump, boosters, Booster-skudd, Booster-skudd, Misfits, Antifa, Vold, Fonologi, PID, Straffeforfølgelse, Tar , tilhører , Hjem , Santander, Kevin Shipp, Comirnaty skutt, bort, syntetisk gift, Lidocaina, Lidocain, WRAN, Biofeedback , Al Quive , DOD Instruction 8500.01 , DoD Executive Agent , Military Standard 882E , menneske-maskin grensesnitt og kontroller , LR-WPAN , LAN/MAN-standarder , Novolin , Novolin-insulin , Human insulinkrystaller , konvergens , MIP-baserte biosensorer, lysabsorberende organeller, endosymbiotisk genom, kimærisk RNA, fagocytose, Budocain Forte, Budocain, Mepivacainum, Injeksjoner, Mepivacainum-injeksjoner, blodpropp, kommunisme , Hib, polar PEG-kjede, Elektromagnetisk Chiralitet , Hinduisme, FoU, Programvaredefinerte Metamaterialer , Y36 , Andre forsettlige skader , Y35 , Nanoskala maskinkommunikasjon, Transparency Windows , Terahertz Band , Pfizer-BioNTech , Pfizer-BioNTech Vaksine , Pfizer-BioNTech Covid Vaksinen , Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 Vaksinen , Pfizer og BioNTech , BioNTech og Pfizer , Nanokommunikasjonsnettverk , Trådløse Nano-Sensor-nettverk , ICD -9 CM , ICD-10 CM , islam, buddhisme, Etymologi, Ontologi, aeternus, Ether , eter , Forklart, Produserer , Indusert , ENOCH, Book Of Enoch, endetider, National Academy of Sciences, Hindawi , Aerosolisering , aerosolisert , Psinergi , oksiderte partikler, Volum , Aculyn 33 SunSpherology Modifier, , Defense Memorandum , Docket , Cybersecurity , Acquisition , DoD Instruction 5000.83 , biosensing , PVP copolymer, Eicosene, E 202 , E-202 , PVM crosspolymer, MA decadiene, PEG-20 stearate, Polyenemethacrylate, R -syntetiske ligander, konstruerte aptamerer, Tactile Lab, Montreal, RAFT, ATRP, iCVD, klikkkjemi, Selvorganisert , Anodisk aluminiumoksid , AAO , AAO-brikke , mikrofluidiske biobrikker, funksjonell elektropolymeriserbar monomer, DnaC , DnaG , Nezhadali et al , Nezhadali , Hindawi , Schwab, Karen Kingston, Mike Yeadon , Steve Kirsch , Sherri Tenpenny , Robert F. Kennedy Jr , Robert Malone , Paul Alexander , Ryan Cole , Reiner Fuellmich , John Campbell , John O’Looney , Simone Gold , Ron Johnson , Peter McCullough , Lee Merritt , Richard Hirschman , Pierre Kory , Dolores Cahill , Scott Atlas , Edward Dowd , Carrie Madej , Alex Jones , Larry Palevsky , Christiane Northrup , Sucharit Bhakdi , Propaganda, Plandemisk, Pandemi, EU, Europeisk, Statsminister, President, Helsepersonell, Pressekonferanse, Presser, Snakkepunkter, Tyskland, Angela Merkel, Polen, Morawiecki, Frankrike, Emmanuel Macron, Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, OSS, Global begivenhet, MEP, Ursula von der Leyen, Australia, Scott Morrison, WHO, Rockefeller Foundation, Rajiv J. Shah, Vaksinasjonskampanje, Covid-19, Virus, Covid-Virus, C19-virus, C19-Vaksiner, Vaksiner, mRNA-Vaksiner, covid-19 Mrna-Vaksiner, Vax, Jab, clot Shot, Ikke Glem, mars 8, 2024, 2022, 2021, 2020, Ledere, Global, Eliter, Regjeringer, Lock-step, Hendelse 201, VAERS; V-SAFE, Mandater, Vaksinemandater, Vaksineindusert sykdom, VAIDS, SADS, Plutselig Død, Døde Plutselig, Nevrovitenskap, etikk, Nasjonal sikkerhet, Pandemiske Tiltak, Lockdown, Korrupsjon, Eu-Kommisjonen, Pfizer, Moderna, Politikere, AMERIKANSKE Politikere, EU-Parlament , CORDIS , EU-PARLAMENTSMEDLEMMER, EU-PARLAMENTSMEDLEMMER, Europeisk Politiker, Dr, Soumye Swaminathan, Verdens Helseorganisasjon, Folkemord, Forrædere, Nure Guyen et al , Guyen , UVISEL fasesensor, overflatesensorer Reversibel addisjonsfragmenteringskjedeoverføring, atomoverføringsradikalpolymerisasjon, levende polymerisasjon, MINS , påtrykte polymerer, kjedelengde, Acta , molekylvekt, Pan et al , Peeters et al , Zhao et al , levende makromolekyler, anionisk polymerisasjon, vinylmonomerer, online sikkerhetslov , ringåpningspolymerisering, vinyleter , funksjonelle oligomerer, monofunksjonelle polymerer, hydroksylsyre, karboksylsyre, acetat, malonat, imido, nukleofiler , divinyleter, hetero-telechelisk, telechelisk polymer, Holden et al, pMOS-enheter, isotaktisk polyvinyl, polymere dioler, epoksy-prepolymer, levende radikalpolymerisering, tynne faste filmer, biokonjugater, selvhelbredende polymerhydrogel, organiske elektroniske enheter, ICD10-kode Z28.20 , ICD-10-kode Z28.20 , biorevolusjonen , Homotelechelisk , polymerkonjugater, Medikament-polymer, av prodrug , nanomontasjer , Chipimplantater , HER2-reseptor, heterobifunksjonelle polymerer , XPO1 , CRM1 , kMOSb-enhet av CRM1 , k , DMAP , PDMA PEG , Biodigital Convergence , PDMS PEG , kjernefysiske lokaliseringssignaler , SP-sensorer , BioTac SP-sensorer , NLS , kjernefysisk eksportsignal, Eksperimentelle frekvensbånd, FDA og FCC , FCC eksperimentell lisens , NES, PTX, NES, PTX, PDEGMA , DEGMA , PFP , Metallchelaterende deler , MCP , Enheter , nye forbindelser , pegylerte derivater , pyridyldisulfid , PDS , cytoplasmatiske reaktive polymerer , metyleterakrylat , POEGA-polymerer , tiolreaktive polymerer , maleimidkjemi , PNAS , kantsporing , PVA-0D-system , PVA-0D 9-0D SYM , Ikke -Menneske , Shadow Dexterous Hand , E. coli endosymbiont , medikamentleveringssystem , CSMA , gensubtraksjonseksperimenter , Autophago core histoner , Core Histones Protein , Impfstoff , Moderna Impfstoff , Pfizer Impfstoff , nukleocytoplasmatiske, store DNA-cytoplasmiske viruskjerner, kjerne arter , virtuell haptisk persepsjon , elektroaktive materialer, elektroaktive substrater, elektroaktive forbindelser, teknologi utover fagocytose, kunstig nevromorfisk somatosensorisk system , nevromorfe ingeniører , Marseilleviridae, Asgard Archaea , Directed Evolution of Humans , Asgardarchaea , verdens ende , Kristendom , Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 , Cestui Que Vie , Sjel , Følg Jesus Kristus, Christiantum, Kristus, Jesus Kristus, Jesus, Gud kan frelse våre sjeler.
(Note: Why in heaven's name would one transfer this demon pedophile murderer to a medium-security prison? All these illegitimate installed governments of satanic pedophiles want to imprison all the law abiding citizens and release all the criminals and murderers. These psychopathic politicians use demonic double-talk. Time to wake up! Pray! Marcum)
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Global News
Jun 16, 2023
Canada's Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino was pursued and cornered by shouting reporters on Thursday, angry that the minister had cut his press scrum short without allowing any questions from reporters. The pressure continued to mount on Mendicino Thursday over what he knew about notorious Canadian serial killer Paul Bernardo’s prison transfer last month Mendicino earlier faced resignation calls from Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre after the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) revealed it alerted the minister’s office months before the convicted rapist and serial killer was moved to a medium-security prison in May. For more info, please go to
Welcome to the demonic psychopathic [cheating uniparty] Liberal Hivemind (and pride month) satanic agenda
- Slaughtering children
- Grooming children
- Indoctrinating children
- Raping children
- CDC stands for “Child Death Cult” … nationwide child sacrifice ritual disguised as “immunization”
- Arming Nazi military forces in Ukraine
- Bioterrorism
- Forced medical experimentation
- Orwellian censorship
- Brainwashing and propaganda
- Racism against white culture
- Sexism against men
- War on Heterosexuality (Normality)
- Abolishing the Right to defend yourself
- Abolishing local and state police
- Open borders to access undocumented children (Adrenochrome)
- Harvesting Organs and Adrenochrome of MAID Donors
- 2nd day in office, Biden rescinded Trump’s Executive Order that helped combat child sex trafficking. Why???
- Election fraud
- Higher taxes
- More government
- Less freedom
- Project the hate of themselves and evil agenda onto opponents
- Woke corporate baby killing assistance programs
- SB 871 – would require all children 0-17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend childcare or school without FDA approval. That bill also takes away any personal or religious belief exemptions,
- SB 866 – would allow kids 12-17 to get COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent,
- SB 1464 – would allow law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders,
- AB 2098 – would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary actions
- All five US military branches facing dishonorable discharge for refusing to take the experimental vaccine
- The tyrannical Trudeau government (those assimilated into the cabal) to remove all our freedoms so that Trudeau is free to follow through with the Global Reset.
- College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Suggests Unvaccinated Patients are Mentally Ill and Should be Put on Psychiatric Medication
- Guy Brummel (also known as Agent Margaritaville) has been locked up in PRISON because he has a list of PEDOS living in CANADA AND the USA, who occupy KEY positions of power.
- Klaus Schwab predicted the erasure of 4 billion “useless eaters” by 2050.
- Davos Elites travel on private jets & dine on the finest foods while we must eat bugs.
- These criminals are all demonic psychopathic pedophiles and they want to mandate us so they can be free to continue their crimes in systematic secret!
- Includes (RINOs) ‘In Name Only’ hivemind infiltrators. (Francis???)
- They are afraid of us and panicking. What are the penalties for treason and crimes against humanity?
- Pope Francis is on board with all these Biden/Pelosi/Trudeau liberal policies that he pronounces are “good Catholics”. BTW – get VAXXED with the death jab!
- This weird wacko pseudo - medical cult religion is after our children! Their crazy pseudo-science allows them not to wear masks in their delusional minds, but mandates us for genocide jabs and harmful masking in contrary to actual scientific evidence. These elite scum are the ones who are crazy and devoid of humanity. Let's pray, especially for the children! Marcum)
UN Executive Director Blows Whistle: Global Elite Are ALL Pedophiles
(Note: Notice all worldwide Liberal wacko policies and forced mandates seem to come from a controlled demonic hive-mind, watch this video below for clues) "Let the tuning commence"
Secret Recording from the Capital Hill Dems Committee SCIF meetings
(This evil hive-mind agenda can only be explained by a hidden invading demonic/alien takeover that want control over your God-given soul.)
Arizona Wilder (explains hive-mind)
Elite Banker Blows Whistle on Child Sacrifice: "Satanic Pedophiles Run the World"
Barack Obama Exposed As Secret Architect of 'Pedophile Rights' Movement in Schools
Russians began to break the censorship of Elite Pedophile networks
…85,000 children lost to paedos each year?
(Note: It is become clearer that most of the installed elite have been (pre-planned) through bloodline or bio-engineered to be both male and female in the image of the Baphomet so that they can be possessed by these controlling evil entities or through a godless satanic culture that coerces/seduces normal humans into blending or changing their genders so that demons can partly control or fully possess them. Everything becomes inverted or good becomes evil and evil is now good. Once separated from source or God (they have no soul), Adrenochrome becomes one of their life sources or means to keep young or keeping a clone going. Goal to destroy the family unit and invert everything that is good, drawing our energy for their soulless existence. Once you know this secret it explains everything and those affected stand out like a sore thumb. Would it be inconceivable to suggest that when both the current pope and Vatican support the Great Reset, Pfizer, Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum that possibly the past Vatican conclave, Cardinals and the pope himself have been penetrated by these demonic psychopathic entities as well? Most celebrities if not all are secretly transgendered because they pay allegiance to their false deity Baphomet who is an androgyny. Take it or leave it, but where is the better explanation? Thank God for Q Intel, the leaked Podesta Emails and WikiLeak dumps. Time to wake up! Marcum)
‘Adrenochrome - Mind Control -v1.pdf’
Adrenochrome (ADC) (These Demonic Psychopaths are Pure EVIL!
Arizona Wilder (explains the hive-mind) - from my banned/censored truth archive - repost
MARGARITA MINUTE! TRUDEAU THE DOPE! (Shocking Adrenochrome links in description)
Human Cloning 2022 Pt 2: Narrated by Yash Qaraah (Cloning links in description)
REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)
Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)
Brief explanation of Agenda 21-(Agenda 2030 is part of Agenda 21)
Iron Sky: The Coming Race (2019) (A Hidden Documentary?)
Nicholson1968 - Globalist Plan For Mark of the Beast EXPOSED!
I believe demons (fallen angels) use the hidden invading evil race of Reptilian type aliens as the intermediary interdimensional medium to possess us (including soul scalping/MK-Ultra or clone) with total procession (most hive-mind elite/leaders) or projecting their will on susceptible victims while manipulating our carnal desires away from God ever since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. These entities are very old, a higher dimension, extremely intelligent, but lost their own soul and no longer have a connection with God therefore making them purely carnal-type beings that seek to totally possess humans and terraform our world. They need to feed off us to exist here and draw energy through the inversion of good and evil. Those totally possessed, clones or shapeshifting reptoids require a supply of adrenochrome in order to hold form or exist in our realm. You can see the manifested manipulation of these lower vibrational carnal desires especially pride, lust and greed through the hive-mind of Hollywood, liberal activists, death-cult pseudo-science medical leaders, gender inversions, politicians, world leaders or even ourselves. The results do not resemble a normal human, but rather demonic psychopaths with virtually no empathy and bent on control over us. Marcum
(Note: Also see these two related videos below. By watching these predictive programming movies, we unknowingly give the cabal permission to actually follow through with their satanic agenda and human control. Our mind doesn’t realize our subconscious was tricked while we think we are only watching harmless entertainment, don’t question the subject matter and ultimately do nothing as we are zombified. Most humans are unaware of the spiritual battle we are in and the cabal wants our soul with our children being their ultimate prize. Pray! Marcum)
REESE REPORT - Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt1)
Gene Decode & Team. Cabal's Contempt of Court! (How humans subconsciously give the Cabal permission to control our reality Pt2)
MUST WATCH: New Film Exposes The Entire Globalist Endgame!
Illuminati Predictive Programming in Movies!
The United States Is Being Run By The Top 5 Demons In Hell Along With Satan - Here Is Who They Are
Symbolism will be their Downfall Lou Decode B2T
Globalist Agenda, Digital Currency & the Catholic Church Takeover with Br. Bugnolo
CV19 Bioweapon Vax is Not Genocide, It’s extinction
…is nuremberg 2 coming? (About time to put these demonic psychopaths to trial towards full justice)
Insiders In FULL PANIC as Masses Turn Off Legacy Media, Awaken to NWO Takeover!
Learn the esoteric language of the deep state and we'll stop their control over us.
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Trump Just Destroyed E. Jean Carroll and Brought up the Episode of Law And Order
The real unemployment rate rose to 7.9% and illegal immigrants are taking American jobs while American citizens are losing their jobs.
RFK Jr, "Bobby", will help to investigate what is going on with the chronic health problems, along with the FDA, CDC shenanigans
Time to end the endless wars. And don't worry, the military is not going woke.
Russia, Russia, Russia yet again - here we go
🍿 Let’s connect some dots here to show that Alan Dershowitz has been put into submission and is working for Trump and the Military.
They've been planning it for years
Dan Scavino's video has a timestamp Of 9:14 PM EST, 21:14 military time
Being a liberal is a full-time job. This is hilarious.
Everyone knows the Harris-Biden DOJ is trying to throw me in jail."
WATCH: RFK Jr. just launched a super emotional ad to all his followers, saying his decision to join forces with Trump is a spiritual thing
Jim Breuer Sums Up the Great Awakening Happening Across the World Right Now
One of my all time favorites, Gretchen Wilson, goes fireball for Trump. You go, girl!
Gretchen Wilson - Politically Uncorrect (from Undressed Live)\
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wban blockchain network
nanotechnology blockchain network
internet of biological things blockchain
Ethical and societal challenges of the approaching technological storm [Blockchain, nano,IoBnT
Studju 25-07-2022
Larry C. Johnson and Bill Binney on the CrowdStrike and the Russian Hack of the DNC Emails
wban blockchain
dna steganography
osi layers
wireless body area network architecture
body area network marketshare
human activity recognition radar
Body as a Network Node "The human body will be the main actor in the ICT systems, by playing an active role as node of the network"
Multiple Threads nano IoBnT 6G "Using The Human Body As The Antennas"
NNI-nano 20 YEARS
Iobnt 6G IMT-2030
Sensitive Technology Research Areas Government Of Canada_Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Biodigital Convergence 2024
6G WORLD: Can you imagine your body’s cells connected to the internet? What about not only measuring your health but literally taking control of it?
Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep
NEXRAD Exposes Telecoms' Dirty Secret: The 5G Smoking Gun.
'The biodigital convergence describes the intersection, and in some cases merging, of biological and digital technologies. Biodigital technologies include mRNA vaccines used to treat COVID-19' ....
Exploring the Role of 6G Technology in Enhancing Quality of Experience for m-Health Multimedia Applications: A Comprehensive Survey
Exploring the Role of 6G Technology in Enhancing Quality of Experience for m-Health Multimedia Applications: A Comprehensive Survey
Envisioning 6G Molecular Communication for IoBNT Diagnostic Systems
Date: November 6th, 2023
AI-Enabled Internet of Nano Things Methodology for Healthcare Information Management
Smart Body Area Network (SmartBAN)
Relay Functionality for SmartBAN
Medium Access Control (MAC) 2024
Nano communication, often referred to also as molecular communication, has the potential to complement classic radio-based telecommunication networks and, eventually, become an integral part of 6G+ solutions. A keynote on this topic will be held at EuCNC.
6G Market Size & Share Analysis - Industry Research Report - Growth Trends
Using the human body as the antenna 6g
joseph jornet 6g optogenetics
ITU: The IEEE 1906.1 Standard: Nanocommunication as a New Source OF DATA 2017 — IEEE 1906.1 STANDARD.
CCS LABS PROJECTS: 6G IMT-2030 Internet of Bio-Nano-Things - Distributed Embedded Systems - The IoBNT will integrate radio, ultrasonic, and molecular communication schemes In nano Medicine
6G IMT-2030:
1. Yo Grok what is IEEE 802.15.4 Intra-Body Nano-Routing?
2. Yo Grok what is the IEEE 1906.1 Standard?
Human in Vivo Synthetic Molecular Engineering with smart materials
1906.1-2015 - IEEE Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework…
When the AI tries to convince you that Crimes Against Humanity are essentially a good thing...
Which NANO-CYBER INTERFACE, Mr. President?
IEEE 1906.1 / 19061.1. #IoBNT
It's troubling to read that the Nano-Cyber interface 'harvests' energy from the human body. Our electrical signals, however they're produced, aren't free. I'm not a doctor but surely our body requires minerals, enzymes, 'resources' for lack of a better word, to produce its electrical signals.
Jio's 6G Ambitions: Mukesh Ambani Reveals Future Plans.
Setting the 6G Benchmark Jio Platforms is set to soar in the world of Telecommunications.
The Radiocommunication Assembly 2023 (RA-23) approved the revisions of Resolution ITU-R 56, confirming the name for the next generation of IMT (aka “6G”) to be “IMT-2030
Yo Grok how could DNA barcoding be incorporated into an autonomous weapons system?
Blockchain explained... in under 100 words
New tech and lower costs make it possible to monitor devices straight from orbit
A Systematic Review of Bio-Cyber Interface Technologies and Security Issues for Internet of Bio-Nano Things
Dr. Josep Jornet - Optogenomic Interfaces Controlling Neuronal Networks through Light-mediated programming of Genomic Networks 2020 Walton Institute
6G WORLD: Can you imagine your body’s cells connected to the internet? What about not only measuring your health but literally taking control of it?
Josep M. Jornet - An optofluidic channel model for in vivo nanosensor networks in human blood:
Mrna & Light to "Read & Write" Biology Oxford Chemistry - Controlling DNA Function 2023
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-15-6:2017Information technology — Telecommunications and information exchange between systems — Local and metropolitan area networks — Specific requirementsPart 15-6: Wireless body area network
ISO/TC 229
WEF: Deploying nanorobotics for diagnosis and treatment | Simone Schuerle (Aug 2019)
6G and Beyond: The Future of Wireless Communications Systems
Ethical and societal challenges of the approaching technological storm
Studju 25-07-2022
Contribute to special issues of the ITU Journal on topics from Bio-NanoThings to beyond 5G 2020
Next-Generation Non-Surgical Neurotechnology 'These nanotransducers must be delivered in a minutely invasive (nonsurgical) manner, which may include ingestion, injection, or nasal administration, and involve technology that includes self- assembly inside the body.'
Human Activity Detection Using WiFi Signals and Deep Networks - SK Reddy is the Chief Product Officer AI & ML 2018
Augmenting human potential in the 6G era " That Will Allow Us To Connect The Physical World & The Biological World With Digital Twin Models In The Digital World" - NOKIA BELL LABS 2023
Towards the Internet of Senses: Integrating Human Mind, Body and 6G,%20Body%20and%206G
BRAIN 2.0: From Cells to Circuits, Toward Cures
Telecommunication Networks (TKN)
Internet of Bio-Nano-Things
Internet of Bio-Nano-Things
Envisioning 6G Molecular Communication for IoBNT Diagnostic Systems
EU Parliament:
Scalable Localization-enabled In-body Terahertz Nanonetwork
BioComm: Biocompatible Physical Layer Design for Wireless Intra-body Communications
Converging Technologies
for Improving Human Performance
NSF/DOC-sponsored report
Edited by Mihail C. Roco and William Sims Bainbridge, National Science Foundation
June 2002
Arlington, Virginia
(Obama White House Archives)
(482 pages)
6g open labs
open lab wikipedia
Body as a Network Node
"The human body will be the main actor in the ICT systems, by playing an active role as node of the network, as well as part of the user terminal. Body as a Node ( ByN ) is the future of ICT networks"
DARPA rolls out molecular data storage project to handle flood of information
April 1, 2017
Scientists create organic 'molecular computer'
By Dario Borghino
May 10, 2010
Researchers from Japan and the Michigan Technological University have succeeded in building a molecular computer
Yo Grok what are examples of a bio-cyber interface?
2017 RadioBio: What role does electromagnetic signaling have in biological systems?
New program to explore whether electromagnetic waves are purposefully transmitted and received within or between cells.
Six Paths to the Nonsurgical Future of Brain-Machine Interfaces
Electrical Prescriptions (ElectRx)
How bio-convergence is shaping the future of healthcare technology Isreal Inovation Authority 2020
KEY TECHNOLOGIES OF 6G WBAN WHITE PAPER V7.0 I Future Mobile Communications Forum 2020/11
Ethical Insights & Opportunities in the COP 27 SEG 12 Webinar BioDigital Convergence Creating Standards To Form Policy - IEC Zoom Meeting 2022
New international standard for IoT-based ecological environment monitoring
Submitted by xc-mmu on Tue, 02/07/2023
Biodigital convergence is an emerging trend, referring to the merging of digital technologies and biological systems such as digitally programming DNA or implanted microchips that send signals to your body.
Dr Francois Coallier member of the IEC, IEEE, ISO, & SCC is responsible for international standards regarding your digital twin voodoo doll.
#BiodigitalConvergence #CrimesAgainstHumanity
Biodigital convergence is an emerging trend, referring to the merging of digital technologies and biological systems such as digitally programming DNA or implanted microchips that send signals to your body.
MERK 2022: Innovators Club: Bioconvergence – Unlocking The Potential Of Personalized Medicine
The Bioconvergence revolution is here!
bio-convergence - connecting the innovation systems of the
European Union and the State of Israel
Bioconvergence eauropean Parliament
Converging micro-nano-bio technologies towards integrated biomedical systems: state of the art and future perspectives under the EU-information & communication technologies program
The intersection between biology and technology that fundamentally changes the future of global healthcare.
IEEE Control Systems Society
May 2023
The FDA issued an emergency use authorization for a new Covid vaccine to address the Omicron variant KP.2 strain of SARS-CoV-2. The shots will be made by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech. There is no clinical trial data for these vaccines. But what is the emergency? Who knows.
ISF Template | 800-216-8544 | |
In this video, we discuss the significance of Importer Security Filing (ISF) data for raw material imports. ISF data ensures compliance with customs regulations and enhances the security of imported raw materials. It provides customs authorities with detailed information about the shipment, including the origin of the raw materials. Accurate and timely submission of ISF data is crucial for smooth customs clearance and to avoid penalties and disruptions in the supply chain. ISF data can also provide businesses with valuable insights into their supply chain, leading to informed decision-making and improved procurement processes. Overall, ISF data for raw material imports is essential for customs compliance, security, and optimizing the supply chain.
#ISFdata #rawmaterialimports #customscompliance #supplychainsecurity #ISFtemplate #importoperations #customsbrokerage #internationaltrade #supplychainefficiency #insightsandinformation
Video Disclaimer Here: This video is designed for education and is unaffiliated with US government bodies.
"0:26 - Importance of ISF Data for Raw Material Imports:
ISF data provides detailed information about imported raw materials, their origin, and relevant details.
01:1 -2 Ensures compliance with customs regulations and enhances security measures for raw material imports.
02:02 - Businesses need to provide supplier, manufacturer, consignee, country of origin, bill of lading number, etc.
03:14 - ISF data helps businesses gain insights into their supply chain, assess supplier performance, and optimize procurement processes.
Chair, Marjorie Taylor Green, U.S. Representative, Serving 14th District, Georgia.
Monday, November 13th 2023
Congressman Clay Higgins, Louisiana, 3rd Congressional District, US House of Representatives
Committee Assignments
Committee on Homeland Security. Subcommittee on Border Security, Facilitation and Operations (Ranking Member) Subcommittee on Emergency Preparedness, Response and Recovery.
Committee on Oversight and Reform. Subcommittee on National Security. Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.
"This is certainly not my area of expertise. But you and I have met and spoken before. And I'm like many of my colleagues. I've invested hundreds of hours into careful research and reading and listening men and women from across the world that do have expertise in this field and from the very beginning when I met Dr.
Fauci I didn't trust him from the moment I met him and I began to have, you know, I'm suspicious by nature perhaps because of my background but Uh, I generally don't trust the government and the the covid pandemic appeared to me to be to be born of a weaponized virus. It was sticky. Uh, it it injured, weakened and sickened as opposed to, uh Kill, you know, which is always a goal for biological chemical weapon in the, in military conflict is, you know, one dead soldier is one dead soldier, but one week and six soldier requires a couple of soldiers to help them.
So you decrease the impact effectiveness of that, of that force, uh, with, with a chemical or biological weapon that's designed to, to cause weakness and fatigue, illness, sickness for a long period of time. And COVID appeared to check all those boxes to me, just as a reasonable man would. With, um, you know, six decades of life, it appeared to me to be weaponized.
And then, and then studies, you know, began to be completed across the world. And, and there was further suspicion behind this thing, just before the facts. And we began to really question. Exactly what was the, the, the connection between the, uh, the massive entities, the pharmaceutical, uh, giants that were going to create the, the, the VAX in a few different forms.
And you had a population that was being groomed across the world to begging for this VAX. To me, it appeared untested. I damn sure wasn't getting it. My family wasn't taking it. And, and yet the world was, was incredibly, uh, receptive to the idea of this untested Vax. So some of us being investigators by background and nature, we started looking into the ingredients, which you call the contents, this Vax, as it began to be rolled out, like what the hell is in this stuff?
And, um, some of those contents were protected by, by law, you know, proprietary protection for non active ingredients and binders, et cetera. But some other nations, reflective of their own laws, they, they had, you know, across the world released different list of contents. And we began to compare those as the translations became reliable.
And one of the suspected contents in the facts is graphene. You've heard it. You've read it. I'd like to hear your opinion about it because I've read and did many legitimate scientific research. Papers that that appears to be a dosing experiment would for and the graphene is somehow included in that. Um, it could be the most nefarious, you know, worldwide conspiracy to to to decrease.
The population of the world by by decreasing in birth rate by large percentages, as Dr. Biss has noted here. Many studies support that the long term injury and and and impact of not just COVID as a as a virus, but the but the vax itself. Is quite significant is difficult to discount when you have thousands and thousands of legitimate scientific reports from across the world come into similar conclusions.
So, I ask your opinion, sir, on just how deep is rabbit hole. Thank you for the question, Mr Higgins, and the opportunity to address it. Graphene oxide is a known environmental contaminant. Uh, it's it's readily present in the environment at different levels and often contaminates many things. Uh, graphene oxide is even used in the wax that I have on my black car.
So there's a common environmental contaminant widely available and, uh, to the extent. So this is, this is an issue which has come up repeatedly over the last three years and, uh, has been examined at length and often generated quite a bit of heat and controversy. Uh, in my opinion, uh, we have more significant concerns in the range spectrum of things to be worried about.
A graphene oxide contamination, which is difficult to definitively demonstrate and can be a artifact of how one analyzes the samples that makes sense does not seem to be a, uh, in my opinion, professional opinion. Anywhere near as much of a concern as the DNA fragment contamination that comes from manufacturing process two, which was rapidly deployed.
So that's a genome proven genotoxicity risk. And, uh, right now we have European medicines agency health Canada and the FDA acknowledging that it exists, not having, uh, communicated that fact to the general. Public, um, not having disclosed it to physicians, and in some cases, not even having apparently been completely aware of that contamination and the nature of that contamination coming from the DNA templates that produce the RNA.
So, in my opinion, uh, graphene oxide remains largely an unresolved issue, uh, to be honest with you, uh, and the reason it's unresolved is because Most of the regulatory agencies worldwide have conceded to a, uh, contract terms that the, uh, sampling of vials, in other words, lot release testing by governments, which is usually done independently of the manufacturer to verify that the specifications the manufacturer says are being followed are in fact being followed in most nation states that's been prohibited by contract and there's been prohibit.
Prohibition to actually sample those vials. So, for instance, those saying that, sir, in the interest of time, that there's no guarantee that there wasn't cross contamination during sampling of the vials. There's no guarantee there wasn't cross contamination, but I have to tell you honestly, sir, I can't tell you that it doesn't exist.
That that is that contamination does not exist because we not have not had rigorous testing on a routine basis to rule it out. It's another one of those things like the reasonable question. No, because I mean, one would one would consider exactly why would it be listed as it? In the, in various nations as one of the, you know, one of the contents is some of the ingredients.
It appears, it appears that much of that may be an artifact. If I could shift to Dr. Biss, Dr. Biss, could you speak to, um, the long term impact of, of a child in the womb when the mother has received? What have you noted in a couple of years of observation here? What's it look like? And that'd be my final question.
We do have literature that shows that fully intact messenger RNA crosses the breast milk, um, more than likely, um, Dr. Malone had already stated previously. We know the lipid nanoparticles go throughout the body. They don't stay in the deltoid and they do concentrate in endocrine organs. Um, specifically, the ovary was the highest.
I will tell you, when a female is developing in the womb, she will have all the eggs she'll ever have her whole life. Once, once that fetus is 20 weeks halfway through the pregnancy, unlike men who regenerate their sperm on a daily basis, a female's born with all the eggs she'll ever have. And they start to die off at birth and usually they're all gone by 50, which is what menopause is when you run out of eggs.
So we don't know what we don't know. My concern is that this is going to be. A potentially multi generational problem, which we should have learned the 2 drugs we've used in the past diethylstilbestrol or D. E. S. daughters. That was a synthetic estrogen given to pregnant women didn't harm the pregnant woman.
However, the female offspring were shown to be at increased risk for genital cancers, primarily cervix and we all know about a little mind. We've never given any drug newly out of the gate ever, ever, ever to a pregnant woman prior to this pandemic. That would have made no offense to Mr. Renz malpractice attorneys salivate.
This never should have given the pregnant woman because we had no long term data on pregnant women. Last I checked pregnancy is 9 months. This was given to pregnant women in April, starting in April of 2021, safe and effective jab in every arm. We had no long term data. We have spoken about the v safe data.
There were, if you analyze the v safe data correctly early on with regards to miscarriages, the rate that was quoted in the New England Journal of Medicine article was not correct. It was quoted at 13 percent. When you actually did the real math, the miscarriage rate was 83 percent. Wow. Thank you for that brightening answer, Madam Chair.
I yield."
BREAKING NEWS: Pfizer Covid Vaccines contain never before seen objects in the blood of the vaccinated that interact with mobile phones. Study confirms the mRNA injections cause the human body to produce a Mac Address. Pascal Najadi says "I am chipped" by the Pfizer vaccine.
This is the 5G tech atached to the vaccines that we are talking about.
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All these Covid vaccines have 5G data collection systems inside them and activate when a frequency from the new 5G towers is emmited,
This new video contains additional evidence to support the facts presented by the WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger. Keep in mind that not all Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Janssen vials contain the same substances. This is a global experiment on humanity. Some mRNA vaccines are placebo's, while others are designed to kill immediately or influence the mind and body.
Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD states "The mRNA injections, is a cover story for an Artificial Intelligence frequency based gene modification system that is self learning and can decide how to edit that human." They are using digital technology and AI to control people.
A Former Director of the CIA revealed that the CIA did have a program to collect DNA overseas by using a covert vaccination program as a cover. Through a real vaccination program they were able to retrieve DNA from a certain region of the world.
Pascal Najada who has a Pfizer Covid Vaccine criminal case against the Swiss President in conjunction with a New York Supreme Court Pfizer and FDA lawsuit confirms he has been "chipped" by the Pfizer mRNA injections. At 35,000 feet in the airplane his phone scanned 650 transceivers of only 100 passengers. He says "IT" tried to take over and kill humanity, but "IT" has failed and "IT" will be brought to justice.
Dr. Charles Morgan formerly with the CIA in a 2018 DARPA meeting is talking with the U.S. Military about how cells can be designed for specific activities and targets using DREADDs technology, cells can be strategically placed in the brain with no surgery and then the cells can be remotely controlled using a wireless interface.
A scientific study done at a remote location with vaccinated, unvaccinated and PCR tested participants confirms the vaccinated and PCR tested produce a Mac Address which is a Media Access Control Address that sometimes disappears if the code is trying to be accessed and reappears depending on the situation. It is not in the vials but uses the human DNA to create the MAC Address signal. There are now nanosensors in millions if not billions of people worldwide.
Professor Pablo Campra PhD in Chemical Sciences confirms using several different scientific methods including an optical microscope, spectroscopy and a micro-Raman technique that the Pfizer and AstraZenaca vaccine vials contain nanoparticles of graphene, fibers of blue, red, yellow colors, spheres, polygonal type objects that are nanosensors and nano routers which correspond to a wireless communication system.
Bill Gates and Microsoft are involved in using human DNA as a programmable material through mRNA vaccines. Humanity has been used as guinea pigs in the greatest and most horrific experiments in the world killing millions of innocent people worldwide.
Matt Hancock's secret chats reveal he knew the vaccines contained nanotechnology which he refers to as a "Chip" which he injected into millions of people and Bill Gates owes him one for doing this. Everyone in the world was lied to about the Covid vaccines by the corrupt politicians and elites who destroyed humanity.
May 18-19, 2024 - Jonah 3:4 & Zephaniah 2 warn of destruction after 40 days (April 8, 2024) Ninevah!
Zephaniah 2 & Jonah 3 have some compelling connections that elude that May 18, 2024 could have possibly 3 potential events happen.
1). Gaza is indicated. Rafah is already happeing and this could already be in progress.
2). The United States could be under judgement on Ninevah. This could actually affect either the United States or Iraq. In the United States a potential event that would start the downfall of the United States in the next year.
3). Turkey could start the invasion into Iraq in the provendence of Ninevah, Iraq. Turkey just gained access to a 200 wide by 25 mile deep zone in Iraq itself.
May 18 is also the Passing of Eli. Eli the High Priest died upon learning that the Holy Ark containing the Tablets was captured by the Philistines, and that his two sons were killed in battle. Eli was the 13th in the line of the "Shoftim" ("judges") who led the People of Israel during the four centuries between the passing of Joshua in 1245 BCE and the crowning of King Saul in 879 BCE.
May 19 is Pentecost or 50 days after Easter.
Dates to watch:
May 2024 - Turkey invades Syria & Iraq against the Kurds-Medes as well as Turkey will move down into Syria into Lebanon for a siege on Tyre, Lebanon.
July 2024 - Tyre Lebanon falls to Turkey, Hezbollah joins Turkey.
July - Oct. 2024 - Turkey moves through West Bank, Golen Heights, Israel to Palestine to control Gaza & help the Palestine people against Israel.
Oct. 2024 - Palestine and Gaza fall to Turkey.
Oct. 2024 - Egypt does not confront Turkey with an attack. Turkey liberates Egypt.
Oct. 2024 - Turkey moves from Egypt, to Tyre Lebanon, then to Erbil, Iraq (Guagamella). The Kurds-Medes are forced east to Erbil, Iraq. Turkey crushes the Kurds-Medes & they collapse to Baghdad, Iraq and then Shush, Iran.
Dec. 2024 - March 2025 - Turkey crushes both Iran-Persia & Kurds-Medes.
March 2025 - Israel is attacked by Turkey and 10 nations of Muslims.
March 14-29, 2025 - 10 nations of Muslims are given 15 days of power to attack Israel.
March 30-31, 2025 - 6th Seal event & the destruction of 10-nations of Muslims.
March 31, 2025 - 2 Nisan - Red Heifer Sacrifice.
March 31, 2025 - 1/3 of the Jews are hidden for the start of the 1260 days which starts on April 9, 2025. It is exactly 1260 days from April 9, 2025 to Sept. 20, 2028.
March 31, 2025 - April, 9, 2025 - A number of events occur here.
1). 6th Seal
2). 7th Seal
3). Selection of 144,000 Select
4). 1st - 4 Trumpets effect large protions of earth.
5). Bottomless Pit opens
6). Anitichrist & False Prophet rise
April 9, 2025 - Signing of a 7-year treaty with nations against Israel, Christians, & Jews.
April 9, 2025 - start of the 1260 days to the Feasts of Trumpets of Sept. 20, 2028.
Rapture would occur on the 1st day of the Feasts of Trumepts of 2028 (Sept. 20, 2028).
Psalm 90:10 Timeline Chart Link - This is a new link updated 4/27/2024
God bless.
Time is short.
Repent and get right with Jesus.
Jesus is the only open door to the creator.