Army Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Brian Birdwell is a Texas Senator and survived the attack at the Pentagon in which he was less than 20 yards from the impact. He received 2nd and 3rd degree burns over 60% of his body. He gives an opening statement. (3-31-2003)
When Babrak Kamal was appointed as the country’s third Democratic President backed by the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) for which Kamal was a primary leading member of, it was ultimately the Soviets who ran the country and it’s government. The Pakistan government under Zia ul-Haq had every reason to start military training for the Afghan rebel forces, he feared the communist bloc could very well collapse Afghanistan. With the fall of Kamal, and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, the voices of Afghanistan for a call of a jihad against the secular, communist bloc began. One of those who heard their call was Abdullah Anas, an Algerian scholar and ardent student of Abbassi Madani the founder of the Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) who rose against the tyranny against the Algerian Army when they interfered in a free election.
Anas then travelled to Afghanistan and saw the need for a regulated system to welcome and train the influx of Muslims who wanted to help push back against the Soviet invaders. By 1988, Anas had spoke to Abdullah Azzam, an Islamic scholar, author and teacher based out of Jenin, Palestine, about the need to ensure Muslim help reached northern Afghanistan, and not just that of Western NGO's. Together they implemented the idea of a services bureau which serviced the incoming Arabs from around the world, the Maktab al-Khidamat (Afghan Services Bureau). However, as the Jihadists began to arrive from Egypt, the center, which was funded in part of a notable rich Saudi, Osama Bin Laden, witnessed a change in their training and teaching. Anas saw what was happening and thus left the bureau altogether only to see his dear friend, Azzam, backstabbed by the influence of Egyptians known as "takfiri" (apostates). Algeria was also witnessing a civil war between the government and the takfiri's under the Armed Islamic Group (GIA). Anas knew of the potential problems this could post, as he witnessed it in Afghanistan. In the end, the enemy was no longer clear in Anas eyes.
Colleen Rowley, Division Counsel (Former) Federal Bureau of Investigation, testified about shortcomings in information sharing and supervision at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Ms. Rowley had written a letter to Director Mueller complaining that FBI officials had thwarted efforts to investigate Zaccarias Moussaoui, who was later indicted for his involvement in September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S. Among the issues she addressed were the need to streamline the FBI bureaucracy and reform the culture of the agency to allow more effective and efficient investigations (6-6-2002)
This video was recorded on November 10,2020. The Pakistan ISI has close links to known terrorist organizations in their long history, groups such as Taliban, Jaysh-e-Muhammed and Hezb-i-Islami. The goal of using these groups are to defeat a larger political enemy. In Pakistan's case, India. With the United States, they orchestrated a CIA led operation, Timber Sycamore, to arm and train Al Nusra, to help over throw the Bashir al-Assad led Syrian government.
This video was recorded on September 28,2020. By the late 1970's Abu Nidal, founder of the militant Palestinian splinter group Fatah, had conducted numerous terrorist bombing and paramilitary campaigns in the Middle East and Europe. However the one terrorist operation which would be remembered more than any other are the 1985 Vienna and Rome airport attacks. This would become the pretext for conducting more extreme terrorist operations that would not only involve airports terrorist campaigns, or hijacking airliners, but hijacking them for martyrdom operations.
The evolution of terrorism can readily be seen thru-ought the 1980's to 2001, from the Air France 8959 Hijacking, Bojinka Plot to the terrorist attacks of September 111th 2001. With these adaptations, the meanings behind them have steadfastly remained the same, in regarding to our Foreign Policy with Israel and Saudi Arabia.
This video was recorded on September 18,2020. More often than not we hear of how certain countries "benefit" from the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks inside the United States. Most notably. Saudi Arabia and Israel. What do we know generally regarding their politics and their religious sector? In this video ii go into small detail about how their political and religious party's influence our government as well as how we influence theirs.
ABC news report regarding the security at national airports and the increase in security, and how the attacks affected airline industries in the future.
Alyson Gunn was teaching up near 125 street when she heard that a plane had crashed into the World Tirade Center. After stationing near the door she heard a commotion in the hallway due to what was happening. Then she called home, and heard the situation was much worse.
Alexa Steinberg was in school in Connecticut and found out about the Twin Towers attack when she was alerted to the TV at the campus center. Where over the next couple of days they played continuous coverage of the attacks, here she tells her experience.
Alcira Bron works for the office of the Secretary of Defense and on September 11th 2001 she was inside the Pentagon in her office when American Airlines Flight 77 slammed into the Pentagon. Bron, who was on the other side of the building, hurriedly evacuated the premises.
Al Crain was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin working when his wife called and told him that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. Crain from there started to closely follow the immediate news, while sharing his innermost thoughts about what took place next.
Lee Hamilton, co-chair 9/11 Commission, asks Lee Woldsky (Boies, Schiller & Flexner Law Form) whether or not the United States had the "political will" to hold Saudi Arabia accountable for being forthcoming on the truth to the 9/11 attacks.
Bob Kerrey, 9/11 Commission, sternly questions Monte Belger, Acting Deputy Commissioner FAA, about why the FAA did not act on the 1995 Bojinka plot threat to international and domestic flights.
During the summer and early autumn of 2000, Bin Laden and senior Al Qaeda leaders in Afghanistan started electing the muscle hijackers-the operatives who would soon storm the cockpit and control the passengers. Despite the phrase widely used to describe them, the so-called muscle hijackers were not at all physically imposing as most were no taller than 5'7".
A phone call heard by Jordanian authorities, investigating extremists in the country, heard a call between Abu Zubaydah, a suspected Bin Laden associate at the Khalden training camp in Afghanistan and a Palestinian activist, Abu Hoshar. They heard what amounted to a very cryptic message of an incoming attack "the time for training is over".
When the Jordanian authorities arrested members of this plot, they found it entailed a multi-faceted operation which included, bombing the SAS Radisson hotel in Amman, attacking the border of Jordan and Israel as well as a bombing of an airport in the United States. Ahmed Ressam, an Algerian citizen, had trained in Khalden under Zubaydah, had independently taken it as his initiative to bomb Los Angeles International Airport.
A video i made on October 24, 2022. Joint Jouse Inquiry panelist, Barbara Mikulski, interviews two FBI agents hidden behind a partition to protect their identity, one of these agents is Ken Williams out of the Phoenix field office. Mikulski asks the agents if they can name three things they would like to see changed if Congress can act on them to assist the FBI in future in regards to upgrading the fundamentalist units. I give additional commentary.
A video i made on December 30, 2021. Eleanor Hill, Staff Director for the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, gives an opening statement for the morning sessions of the day's inquiry which took place on September 18th 2002. I give additional commentary thru-ought the video. Hill gives a statement about the intelligence services information gathering capabilities and what they shared, classified and hoarded.
A video i made on December 11, 2021. Tim Roemer, Joint House Inquiry for 9/11 panelist, interviews Lee Hamilton, Director Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Roemer asks Hamilton what does the United States federal government have to do to rectify the problem of a lack of "responsibility" in regards to the intelligence community. Hamilton suggests a centralization of power and improvement in transparency and an overall independent committee when it comes to oversight independent of the executive branch. I add some additional thoughts at certain points of the video.
A video i made on May 26th 2021. An edit from the Joint House Inquiry into the September 11th 2001 Terrorist Attacks. Panelist, Carl Levin, interviews Tom Wilshire (CIA Deputy Chief Alec Station) and Steve Bongardt (FBI CTC). Levin inquiries about a June 11th 2001 meeting between a CIA analyst and two FBI field agents in New York City showing the FBI agents photos of men. What the FBI were not told was who the men in the photographs were. The photographs were taken from a Malaysian Al Qaeda Summit Meeting in January 2000. The CIA analyst were simply "fishing" the FBI field office as to whether they knew who the men in the photograph were. During the course of the interview i give some insights of my own and lend some background on specific points raised in the video.
In this video, i read chapters off the book "Al Qa'ida in Afghanistan" written by Anne Stenersen, who is is a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment's Terrorism Research Group. This chapter is from Chapter 3: Return Of The Sheikh: The Duties Toward The Movement
In this video, i read chapters off the book "Al Qa'ida in Afghanistan" written by Anne Stenersen, who is is a Research Fellow at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment's Terrorism Research Group. This chapter is from Chapter 3: Return Of The Sheikh: Enter The Taliban.
The Shea Memorandum was prepared by Gerald Shea, a retired San Obispo international corporate lawyer who wrote a detailed memorandum prepared for the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks (the “Commission”) or the Senate and House Committees on Intelligence. The information in the memorandum comes from raw data and other information set forth in available governmental and other reports and relevant documents in the public record. The basis of the memo shows that a large foreign intelligence operation, headed by Israel, were conducting human and signals intelligence on the Drug Enforcement Agency, FBI and even on the suspects of the September 11th 2001 terrorist attacks and over 181 others involved in the plot. This section of the Gerald Shea memorandum i will be reading from is the subsection entitled "Names Index"