How did Carl discover Alan Watt's work? - Carl is a musician in Australia who plays violin, guitar, sings, writes music, and performs others' music for a living. Carl's album "Pith and Vinegar" - Improvisation. Why do surprises make music interesting? The push to monetize creativity. - Flook, "The Beehive" - Carl's early career as a journalist. His mental health crisis. - Online cults: what are some possible dangers? - The difficulties of bringing children into this world. - Alan's blurb, "Sing Your Song and Steal Some Time."
,rumble user_AlanWattCTTM2 Alan Watt - Signs and Symbols - "Skull and Bones" - June 15, 2024 rumble_video_qULms__qR4e,
What is Skull and Bones? This secret society at Yale University is also known as The Order, Order 322 or The Brotherhood of Death. What do George W. Bush and John Kerry have in common?
Redux 106 Excerpt from May 10, 2020 Blurb - Pandemrix Vaccine Damage from "Swine Flu" of Neil Ferguson, Tony Fauci - WHO Manifesto from 2020, Green, Sustainable - WEF's GULF, Authorized Voices Give Your Reality - Elon Musk Praises mRNA Vaccines - IBM Teams Up with Moderna on Use of AI for mRNA Vaccines - Next Step Being Rammed Through by the WEF, World Economic Forum - Prince-King-Charles - A Green World - Edward Bernays; Propaganda Runs the World - Fear and Terror - What has Happened is Criminal - New Normals - Agribusinesses Own Everything - Bertrand Russell, New Values; Changing the Meaning of Words - Masks, Social Distancing, Viruses - 60% of People are Highly Suggestible; 10-20% Need a Bit More Time to Bring them Around; Maybe 7% or Even Less Cannot Be Hypnotized; Aldous Huxley - The Art of Persuasion - Aiming Propaganda at Women Who Come to See the State as the Husband - Vaccines - Psychopaths - Thomas Malthus - TV Evangelist Techniques; Jimmy Swaggart - Scientific Socialism, Technocracy - League of Nations - United Nations - International Monetary Fund (IMF) - Austerity - Council on Foreign Relations - Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House); Carroll Quigley - Club of Rome, The Limits to Growth - Churchill, the Joke of Democracy - Authorized Media versus "Fake" News - Fauci's Association with Vaccine Companies, Big Pharma.