,Alternative Media (TV Genre),A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon (Film),Astronauts Gone Wild (Film),Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura,Conspiracy,Conspiracy Corner News,Bart Sibrel (Film Director),Sibrel,Conspiracy Theory (TV Genre),Current Events,News (TV Genre),Buzz Aldrin Punches Guy,NASA,Apollo (Space) Program,Moon Landing,Neil Armstrong,Buzz Aldrin,Moon Landing Conspiracy,Moon Landing Hoax,Moon Man,Sibrel.com,bw6ow0S2Kh8,UC2qQfHf3WlwyH7iJLildfcg, Politics,Society, channel_UC2qQfHf3WlwyH7iJLildfcg, video_bw6ow0S2Kh8,Thank You for Your Kind Support!
,1,1) Today, with 54 years better computer and rocket technology, NASA can only send astronauts One-Thousandth the distance to the moon than they did on the first attempt, with 1960's technology, ahead of schedule, when all of NASA's computers combined only had ONE-MILLIONTH the computer power of a cell phone.
So, people could drive cars on the moon and play golf on the moon, more than 50 years ago with ONE-MILLIONTH the computing power of a cellphone, yet with five decades of more advancements in computers and rockets, NASA can now only send MANNEQUINS to Orbit the moon?
Notice in the Above Article, that NASA sent MANNEQUINS instead of PEOPLE in order to protect astronauts from DEADLY SPACE RADIATION that is high above the earth. NASA claims that they did the very same thing, on the first attempt, ahead of schedule, in 1969 without a radiation problem. Why then is radiation a problem now but not then? Has the 14 Billion year old universe changed that much in 50 Years? They have Buzz Aldrin doing fine at Age 93, so if he went to the moon in 1969, and is alive at 93, then I guess the radiation did not effect him at AT ALL, so why would it affect anyone Now?
2) At a recent A.I. Conference, with industry leaders from all over the world,
they all received special access for a day to the WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED A.I., Google's "Neural Network", which took Ten Years to Develop at a cost of Millions of Dollars. Curious participants ran photos from the recent Chinese probes of the moon's service through the A.I.'s Deepfake Detector Program, which has NEVER BEEN WRONG, and the A.I. said, with 100% certainty, that the Chinese pictures were REAL. Next, they ran the pictures of the "moon's surface" through the same Deep Fake Detector Program program, which were from Nixon's "Apollo" project, and the A.I. said that the "Apollo" pictures are FAKE with 100% CERTAINTY. So, either Nixon's "moon missions" WERE FAKED, or the WORLD'S MOST ADVANCED A.I. IS STUPID.
3) A Whistleblower at NASA gave Bart Sibrel classified "Behind-the-Scenes Footage" from Apollo 11, which warns at the beginning of it "NOT FOR PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION". This footage, Dated Two Days Into the Flight of Apollo 11 by NASA Itself, clearly shows the astronauts Still in Earth Orbit, which is only about 250 miles above the Earth, wherein the crew of Apollo 11 falsely claims, with a one-foot model of the earth, that they are "130,000 Miles Out", or halfway to the moon, when they are Really in Earth Orbit, and they still cannot leave Earth Orbit 54 Years Later. If youtube took it down, it would only prove Mr. Sibrel is correct, so they try to deflect searches for it instead.
4) An Eyewitness Saw the CIA Film "The First Moon Walk" June 1-3 of 1968 in Clovis New Mexico at Cannon Air Force Base's "Special Operations" Head Quarters. The Former Chief of Security at Cannon Air Force Base, Cyrus Eugene Akers, as he was on his Deathbed dying of cancer, and fearing the Judgment of God, confessed that he was a MURDERER. When the Military Police showed up right before his death to investigate the matter, they asked him who he killed and why.
Mr. Akers said that he had murdered a security coworker at Cannon Air Force Base in 1968. When they asked him why he did it, Mr. Akers said that it was because they both were sworn to secrecy, under Penalty of Death, for something they had both eye-witnessed there June 1-3 1968, something that his coworker thought was morally wrong and that the public had a right to know about. The Filming of the First "Moon Walk", which was to be edited and shown to the Entire World the following year, as if it were "Live". Aker's coworker said that he knew someone who was a reporter and then his coworker vowed to expose this crime to the American People. Mr. Akers said that he enforced the agreed upon Death Penalty by executing him.
Mr. Akers said that he stood beside President Johnson, who gave him (as the Security Chief) a list of 15 "V.I.P.'s" who were allowed special access to observe this arrogant government deception. Buzz Aldrin is on that list, who apparently only observed, while a double was used for the filming, after all, their faces in the spacesuit were conveniently covered with a two-way mirrored visor. Mr. Akers kept that list of the 15 well-known people who were there at the time (yet only observed) as a private souvenir until the day he died. Bart Sibrel received that list and recently published it in his New Book: Moon Man - The True Story of a Filmmaker on the CIA Hit List.
Mr. Aker's Son, before he died, gave his Testimony about this in the video below.
5) One Photograph Proves the Moon Landing Fraud
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Before Midnight Eastern Time - December 31, 2023
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,1,Bart Sibrel is an award winning filmmaker, writer, and investigative journalist, who has been producing movies, television programs, documentaries, music videos, and television commercials, for over thirty-five years, starting at the age of eighteen, producing and hosting his own television talk show.
Sibrel has owned five production companies, been employed by two of the three major networks, worked as a television news reporter, and produced videos shown on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, TLC, USA, and BET.
Bart Sibrel serves as an expert commentator and has appeared as such on the Daily Show, Geraldo, NBC, CNN, FOX, Tech TV, Coast to Coast, and the Abrams Report.
Articles featuring Sibrel's films have been published in Time Magazine, USA Today, the New York Times, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, and many others.
His top awards from the American Motion Picture Society include Best Cinematography, Best Editing, and Top Ten Director, all achieved before the age of thirty.
Sibrel has taught twenty workshops on acting, filmmaking, editing, and writing, privately and for the Screen Actor's Guild.
Before the age of twenty-one, Sibrel produced four television specials, a weekly talk show, authored three theatrical productions, and appeared as a seasoned actor on the stage and screen over five hundred times.
"I was making movies when this competition started way back in 1930. I do not ever recall anyone entering three motion pictures and winning a top award on all three. But you have!"
Jack Ruddell - American Motion Picture Society, Chairman
Politicians are so hated, with an approval rating of only about 15% by the very people who elected them, because they do not do what they say. Most religion, even sincere ones, wrongly receive this "hypocritical" label for this very reason, the undeserved repeated hypocrisy of others.
Nevertheless, just as there are indeed a few honest elected officials sincerely trying to make our country a better place, likewise there are indeed a few people and churches who do preach the Absolute Truth of Eternal Life and live by its simple principles in day to day life.
My call to you is to diligently seek out these sincere spiritual people and these sincere spiritual churches, among a world full of hypocrites, just as an olympic athlete would search out the very best coach in world full of lukewarm ones, in order to best equip and strengthen you for the only contest that matters, that of taking hold of the priceless prize of Eternal Life.
Jesus said, "Wide is the path, and many are on it, which leads to eternal death, yet narrow is the path, and only a few are on it, which leads to Eternal Life."
Anything less than immortality, is a complete waste of your precious, precious time.
May God richly bless you personally as you search here, and in the links below, for the precious Keys to what may be your one and only chance to take hold of the incredibly priceless gift of Eternal Life.
Brother Bart
Is Saturday the Sabbath?
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Where to Visit a Local Church
Bart's Bible Blessings
Autographed DVD
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon
Autographed DVD
Astronauts Gone Wild
Did Astronauts Go 1000 Times Farther 50 Years Ago Than They Can Today?
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon
Astronauts Gone Wild
Conspiracy Corner
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El cineasta Americano Bart Sibrel (Sibrel.com) presenta su aclamado (y muy odiado) polémico documental mostrando recién descubierto tomas detrás de las escenas de la primera misión a la luna, lo que demuestra que el equipo nunca dejó la órbita terrestre.
Lo que el gobierno federal de los Estados Unidos, notoriamente corrupto, afirma es haber enviado hombres a la luna en 1969, en el PRIMER intento, aunque aquí en la tierra, en el monte. Everest y el Polo Sur tomaron NUMEROSOS intentos antes del éxito, supuestamente logrando esta asombrosa hazaña con la tecnología CINCO AÑOS (un teléfono celular tiene UN MILLÓN de veces más potencia de computación que TODA la NASA en ese entonces), pero CINCO años más tarde, la NASA puede ahora enviar astronautas desde la Tierra es solo 1/1000 de la distancia que reclamó hace medio siglo, a pesar de que hay cinco décadas más de avances en cohetes y computadoras.
Si Toyota afirmara que fabricaron un auto hace CINCUENTA años que podrían viajar 50,000 millas con un galón de gasolina, sin embargo, hoy en día, su mejor auto solo puede recorrer 50 millas por galón, o 1/1000 de la distancia, ¿no sería increíblemente obvia su falsificación? Si no fuera por el apego emocional de la gente al reclamo de 50 años irrepetible del aterrizaje lunar, también con solo 1/1000 de la distancia capaz cinco décadas más tarde, de otro modo lo reconocerían fácilmente como el fraude que, lamentablemente, es.
Los supuestos aterrizajes lunares son el único reclamo tecnológico en toda la historia del mundo, como el primer automóvil, avión o energía nuclear, que no fue superado en capacidad cincuenta años más tarde, y mucho menos no podría ser duplicado por ninguna nación en Tierra cincuenta años después. Los supuestos aterrizajes lunares también son la única vez en toda la historia del mundo en que una tecnología tan avanzada se destruyó deliberadamente después, en realidad solo se hizo para ocultar la evidencia de su fraude.
Viendo que es IMPOSIBLE que la tecnología retroceda y hoy en día, la NASA solo puede enviar a los astronautas 1/1000 de la distancia a la Tierra, como se afirmó hace CINCUENTA años en el PRIMER intento con la tecnología FIVE DECADES OLDER, la única conclusión restante es que el 1969 La reclamación era una falsificación del gobierno. Es así de simple.
"Toda verdad pasa por tres etapas.
Primero, es ridiculizado,
Entonces se opone violentamente,
Finalmente se acepta como auto evidente.
-Arthur Schopenhauer-
"En una era de engaño universal,
Decir la verdad es un acto revolucionario ".
"Quien controla el pasado, controla el futuro".
-George Orwell-
"Una de las lecciones más tristes de la historia es esta:
Si hemos sido engañados el tiempo suficiente,
Tendemos a rechazar cualquier evidencia de la boquilla de bambú.
Ya no estamos interesados en descubrir la verdad.
La boquilla de bambú nos ha capturado.
Es simplemente demasiado doloroso de reconocer,
incluso a nosotros mismos,
que nos han tomado.
Una vez que le das un poder de charlatán sobre ti,
Casi nunca lo recuperas.
-Carl Sagan-
"Es más fácil engañar a la gente,
que convencerlos de que han sido engañados ".
-Mark Twain-
Astronautas Locos
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Compre con autógrafo de DVD
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon"
(El Engaño más Grande de Todos los Tiempos - inglesa)
Compre con autógrafo de DVD
"Astronauts Gone Wild"
(Los astronautas Gone Wild - inglesa)
secuela de Sibrel a esta película es "Astronauts Gone Wild"
Teoría de la conspiración : ¿Aterrizamos en la Luna ?
Artículo de Sibrel Sobre el aterrizaje Fraude Luna
Entrevista completa de Sibrel en el Asunto
El Engaño más Grande de Todos los Tiempos
(Versión inglesa)
El Engaño más Grande de Todos los Tiempos - ruso
(Нечто странное случилось по пути на Луну)
El Engaño más Grande de Todos los Tiempos - francés
(De la Terre á la Lune: Histoire D'une Machination)
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