,1,Show No. 23. Originally Aired on May 12, 2016. In this show, we continue discussing the signs and evidence that the dark side has existed for a long time and is operational today. We focus on corporate logos, movies, demonic hand signs, Freemasons, currency, CERN and other evidence indicating we are living in the last days. We also discuss the links between the Nephilim giants, pyramids, Enoch, Azazel, Dealey Plaza, 9/11, Apple, Michaeal Jackson, Madonna, Aleister Crowley, Yoda, Nimrod, Babylon, Lady Gaga, The Beatles, Disney, the Bush family, the Nazis, Superbowl halftime shows and other elements of our world that indicate biblical evil of the Illuminati is coordinated, operational and ready to launch their attack towards a new world order, which was predicted in the Book of Revelation and other prophetic books of the Bible.
Down the Rabbit Hole (DTRH) is a show in which we discuss everything our mainstream media doesn't. To summarize, we'll discuss how the real world interfaces with the spiritual world. Our focus is on how organized evil operates, who's behind it and what it means for us. Some might call it a conspiracy show. Others might call it alternative media. Either way, we cover a wide range of topics that link the physical world to the spiritual realm, such as fallen angels, history, particle physics, quantum theory, ancient technology, the bible, CERN, the Illuminati, the New World Order, Jesus, Satan, heaven, hell, philosophy, sex, DNA, genetics, cloning, archaeology, giants, the Nephilim, prophecy, Israel, Book of Revelation, Book of Genesis, the Old Testament, the New Testament, space, earth anomalies, Antarctica, the pyramids, symbols, Freemasons, secret societies, historical figures, warnings from history, demons, the devil, satanists, Luciferians, history of war, WWII, Nazis, aliens, UFOs, E.T., demons, the flood, predictive programming, MK Ultra, mind control, the CIA, the stars, probability, sacred geometry, physics, hidden knowledge, advanced technology, covert military operations, the Knights Templar, royal bloodlines, the Vatican, the Federal Reserve, the central banks, Greek mythology, the Romans, the Tower of Babel, the Babylonians, the Middle East, Annunaki, the rebellion in heaven, the watchers, lost history, JFK, Sandy Hook, 9/11, NASA, media control, deception, crisis actors, the gospel, salvation, and much more. We pretty much cover all the fascinating topics they never taught us in school and never talk about on television.
GenpopMedia.com is an alternative media and information site in which you can listen to alternative radio shows, watch documentaries, read articles, and find information about alternative theories. The site is about "how to think," not "what to think."
"There are no more secrets, just ignorance." - David Hooper, Filmmaker, The Anatomy of a Great Deception, and founder of GenpopMedia.com.