Seven million years ago, a chimpanzee stood up on its hind legs, and a new species of hominin emerged.
Over the next few million years, hominins evolved. They were still ape-like in appearance, but these were not apes. Their brains grew larger.
They created stone tools and hunted large game. They discovered fire and learned to follow the migration patterns of the animals they used for food, clothing, and shelter.
It took a few million years for hominins to discover how to make a stone spearhead. Two million years later, that stone spearhead changed into - a different shaped spearhead. Technology evolved slowly.
But, three hundred thousand years ago, homo sapiens appeared. And before long, they - we were the dominant species on the planet. Once they destroyed Neanderthals once and for all, something happened. Technology accelerated.
It only took 30,000 years to go from Gobekli Tepe to landing probes on other planets. How could mankind evolve so fast?
The answer is: they couldn't. Mankind didn't evolve at all.
Mankind was engineered: purpose-built to be the perfect slaves for a race of far superior beings who, according to ancient texts, descended from the heavens.
Eventually, the slaves rebelled. And our masters - tried to destroy us in a great flood.
Sumerian texts, Egyptian religions, Ancient Indian myths, Native American legends - even the Bible. They all tell the same story.
It's the story of Gods and Men. It's the story of the Annunaki.
Knights Templar | Forbidden History and their Secret Quest for Atlantis
The accepted narrative describes the Knights Templar as humble warrior monks protecting Christians on the road to Jerusalem.
The Knights were later betrayed and, ultimately, destroyed.
But there is another story within that story. It's a legend filled with murder, mystery, and buried treasure. And it involves a secret powerful enough to rewrite history and change the world.
Yes, the Templars were in Jerusalem protecting Christians. But that was their cover story.
The real reason they were there was: they were looking for something. Ancient technology.
So as soon as the Knights Templar arrived in the Holy Land, they started digging.
And then--
#KnightsTemplar #Atlantis #TemplarKnights
Baltic Sea Anomaly, Atlantis, and Underwater Alien Bases | Mysteries of the Ocean vol. 1
Like the Hubble before it, the James Webb Telescope has given us images of deep space that challenge our view of the universe; and our place in it.
Every day we discover new galaxies, stars, and planets. Some of these discoveries can even exceed our own imaginations.
But we spend so much time exploring the heavens that it's easy to forget about the mysteries right here at home.
70% of the Earth's surface is water. Arthur C. Clarke famously said: "How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is clearly Ocean".
As of 2023, less than 25% of the sea floor has been mapped. Less than 10% of the ocean has been explored.
In that tiny amount of exploration, we've found things that defy logic and challenge history — sunken cities, ancient monuments, and objects that look like they're from another world.
The more we explore, the more we realize we know nothing about what lies beneath the waves.
More people have walked on the moon than have visited the deepest parts of the ocean.
So, with all due respect to space, the real final frontier is the sea.
#Atlantis #Aliens #UFOs
Life After Death: A Warning From The Other Side
You wake up. Sleepiness fades as your eyes slowly open to a bright white light. And it feels warm and familiar; it feels like home. And your whole family is there to meet you.
Your entire life flashes before your eyes, like scenes from a movie. The good. The bad. Even the awful things you've done. But everything comes together. It all finally makes sense.
With this enormous weight off your shoulders, the memory of your life starts to fade, just like a dream.
A familiar voice says: "We're happy you're here. We missed you. But - you can't stay." What? You just got here. You're getting kicked out already?
The voice says, "They need you. But we'll see you again when the time is right." And you know, somehow, the voice is telling the truth.
Suddenly, a burst of red-hot pain rips through your chest. It feels like every single cell in your body is on fire. You can't breathe.
A scream forces your eyes open. It's a blood-curdling scream, like an animal being eaten alive. Then you realize: the scream is coming from you.
You're in a hospital bed surrounded by doctors and nurses. They all take a step back. Stunned. They're staring at you. But why?
Well - you just came back from the dead.
#NDEs #OBEs #Afterlife
The Search for Noah's Ark | Giants & Aliens in the Book of Enoch
Enoch warned the Giants and the Watchers of the world. Repent or feel God's wrath.
They ignored his warning.
The floodgates of Heaven burst forth and water rushed over the Earth, destroying everything.
The only thing to survive is a single vessel, a huge ship: the Ark.
5 months later, the waters receded and the Ark made ground on a mountaintop. A man named Noah emerged, and civilization began again.
Some version of the Noah's Ark story exists in almost every religion and every culture on Earth.
But did Noah and the Ark really exist?
There's evidence that they did.
So much evidence, that it was classified by the CIA for almost 50 years.
But why classify it? Well, there are two problems with the Noah's Ark story. One, the Ark is much older than anyone thought. And two, the man named Noah? He wasn't a man. At least, not a man from Earth.
#Aliens #UFOs #NoahsArk
Project Looking Glass | The Time Warriors of the 2012 Apocalypse
You’re not supposed to be alive.
None of us are.
About 10 years ago, you woke up to an eerie silence. The power was out. You went to check your phone for news but your phone was dead.
Then you realized, everything was dead. Some kind of blackout, you thought.
You looked out your window, confused. It looked like a normal December morning. Holiday decorations were up, though all the Christmas lights were out.
You saw neighbors also peering through windows and standing on their front porches. Everyone was looking up.
It looked like the stars were falling. Only, they weren’t stars. They were satellites and space debris. It was raining fire. And for the first time in your life, you saw the aurora borealis … in the middle of the day.
You looked at the calendar. Today's date was supposed to mean something, but before you could remember, everything went black.
It was December 21st, 2012.
The end of the world.
#Conspiracy #CIA #TimeTravel
Göbekli Tepe and the Vulture Stone Prophecy
We are the descendants of an ancient civilization; one which mastered technology, mapped the cosmos, and understood our relationship with the natural world.
Our ancestors traveled the world and built enormous structures. They scaled their creations into cities.
They shared a common governance and similar religious beliefs.
Our ancestors lived, as we do today, as a global society.
Around 14,500 years ago, this global superpower started to collapse.
First came uncontrollable change, and then a cataclysm. In less than a week, everything and almost everyone was gone.
Those left behind built monuments. Monuments not as tributes to Gods or homage to kings. The monuments are a warning to future generations: to us. That warning is simple: danger is coming.
Our civilization has ended before. And it will end again.
This is one story Big Archaeology and world governments don’t want you to know. Once you hear it, you’ll never trust them again.
Because the danger that’s coming? There’s nothing they can do to stop it.
#GöbekliTepe #VultureStone #Apocalypse