Everyone is wrong about the energy crisis. This isn't only about Europe and it isn't really about Bad Putin and his gas pipeline. The energy crisis is real and it will effect us all - in the US and Asia too.
In this video I try to give you a take on "Europe's Energy Crisis" but from a more fundamental perspective, as an engineer, and then moving on what that means for the economy and the markets. I hope you will learn something new. And welcome to correct me where I'm wrong in the comments :-)
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👉👉 HODL Sucks, Position Sizing 👉 https://youtu.be/fRAnyZ1DXco
👉👉 Bitcoin PoW - totally misunderstood 👉 https://youtu.be/zw2fvnc_kmA
👉👉 Ethereum In-Depth Scenarios 👉 https://youtu.be/ZtuWO3Vt5_o
Learn Wyckoff: https://youtu.be/TeGsH-Zu1-g
TradingView Tutorial, CTO style 👉 https://youtu.be/CU2doDWZzPY
All information presented in this video references an opinion of the speaker and is for general information purposes only. You must not construe any information presented as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing presented constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer to buy or sell financial instruments. The speaker is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. For financial or investment advice, seek a duly licensed professional in your jurisdiction, who can take your specific situation into account. Past performance does not indicate future results. You are always at risk of losing all invested funds. Disclosure: The speaker holds Bitcoin and Ethereum ETP price tracker certificates in ISK through his bank and miscellaneous smaller coin holdings through company ownership.
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⮕🇸🇪 Get Larsson Line: https://www.ctolarsson.com/offer
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#energycrisis #energy #europe #russia #oil #gas #Crash #inflation #greenhouse #nuclear #nuclearpower #climatechange #renewableenergy #liztruss #sweden #election #putin #ukraine #biden #midtermelections #midterm #oilcrisis
,1,Everyone is wrong about the energy crisis. This isn't only about Europe and it isn't really about Bad Putin and his gas pipeline. The energy crisis is real and it will effect us all - in the US and Asia too.
In this video I try to give you a take on "Europe's Energy Crisis" but from a more fundamental perspective, as an engineer, and then moving on what that means for the economy and the markets. I hope you will learn something new. And welcome to correct me where I'm wrong in the comments :-)
⮕🇸🇪 Larsson Line on Bitcoin https://www.ctolarsson.com/bitcoin
⮕💰 My Free Checklist https://www.ctolarsson.com/
⮕💙 Follow Me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ctoLarsson
📺 Essential Videos📺
👉👉 HODL Sucks, Position Sizing 👉 https://youtu.be/fRAnyZ1DXco
👉👉 Bitcoin PoW - totally misunderstood 👉 https://youtu.be/zw2fvnc_kmA
👉👉 Ethereum In-Depth Scenarios 👉 https://youtu.be/ZtuWO3Vt5_o
Learn Wyckoff: https://youtu.be/TeGsH-Zu1-g
TradingView Tutorial, CTO style 👉 https://youtu.be/CU2doDWZzPY
All information presented in this video references an opinion of the speaker and is for general information purposes only. You must not construe any information presented as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing presented constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer to buy or sell financial instruments. The speaker is not a licensed financial advisor or registered investment advisor. For financial or investment advice, seek a duly licensed professional in your jurisdiction, who can take your specific situation into account. Past performance does not indicate future results. You are always at risk of losing all invested funds. Disclosure: The speaker holds Bitcoin and Ethereum ETP price tracker certificates in ISK through his bank and miscellaneous smaller coin holdings through company ownership.
Only use this official link:
⮕🇸🇪 Get Larsson Line: https://www.ctolarsson.com/offer
Be wary of the frauds and impersonators in the comments!
#energycrisis #energy #europe #russia #oil #gas #Crash #inflation #greenhouse #nuclear #nuclearpower #climatechange #renewableenergy #liztruss #sweden #election #putin #ukraine #biden #midtermelections #midterm #oilcrisis