The FBI's Seattle Field Office is working with the Des Moines Police Department in Washington, the United States Government, and Mexican authorities to conduct a formal investigation into the disappearance of Shelbie Lynn Dwyer. On March 25, 2023, Dwyer voluntarily left the Des Moines, Washington, area and traveled to Mexico via car.
Dwyer maintained sporadic communication with her family but stopped that communication around March 29, 2023. Dwyer is believed to have traveled to Tijuana, Mexico. She likely traveled by plane from Tijuana, had a layover in Guadalajara, then arrived in Culiacan, Sinaloa. Dwyer was last believed to have been in the area of Guamuchil, Sinaloa, Mexico, on or around March 29, 2023. She has not been heard from since that time.
If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.
She disappeared from McCleary, Washington on June 26, 2009. She was just walking 10 minutes from her friend's house back home and just vanished. Her killer has never been found.
Lyric R. Cook-Morrissey, 10, and her cousin, Elizabeth Collins, 8, were reported missing to the Evansdale Police Department in Evansdale, Iowa, on Friday, July 13, 2012. On Wednesday, December 5, 2012, hunters came across two deceased bodies in the Seven Bridges Wildlife Park near Readlyn in Bremer County — a wildlife area about 25 miles from where the girls were last seen.
She is 34 years-old, is a missing person who walked away from her residence in Eaton, Colorado on Jan. 14, 2024, at 4:00 PM. She was seen later that night at the Ault liquor store between 5:00 PM and 9:00 PM she has ties to Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley, Ault, and Nunn. She also has family in both Cheyenne and Laramie Wyoming. We remain hopeful and committed to bringing Kasey home. Your cooperation is crucial to this mission.
There are four children police consider confirmed victims in the Oakland County Child Killer case: Mark Stebbins, 12, Jill Robinson, 12, Kristine Mihelich, 10, and Timothy King, 11. Their case remains open, and killer has never been caught.
Zaylee disappeared with her mother, Shauna Marie Fryar, from Millersville, Tennessee on May 1, 2011. Shauna's husband, Michael Fryar, stated he left their home on C Smith Street at 9:00 p.m. to go to the store.
The FBI's Seattle Field Office is working with the Des Moines Police Department in Washington, the United States Government, and Mexican authorities to conduct a formal investigation into the disappearance of Shelbie Lynn Dwyer. On March 25, 2023, Dwyer voluntarily left the Des Moines, Washington, area and traveled to Mexico via car.
Dwyer maintained sporadic communication with her family but stopped that communication around March 29, 2023. Dwyer is believed to have traveled to Tijuana, Mexico. She likely traveled by plane from Tijuana, had a layover in Guadalajara, then arrived in Culiacan, Sinaloa. Dwyer was last believed to have been in the area of Guamuchil, Sinaloa, Mexico, on or around March 29, 2023. She has not been heard from since that time.
If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.