-One Texas Democrat shows courage with an 11-minute floor speech on why she broke with her party to join Republicans to pass a ban on sex-change chemicals and surgeries for children
-Time is up. There is no morally respectable way to be a progressive liberal Democrat in 2023.
-A major Australian malpractice insurer kicks sex-change docs to the curb if they "treat" minor children with "gender transition."
-When love has nowhere to go: Middle age is a time of contemplating what could have been, and never will be.
-Rounding up President Biden's increasingly obvious dementia. As Biden embarrasses himself and the nation on camera and in front of world leaders, how long is it going to take until Democrats admit the truth?
-Burlington, Vermont Mayor Emma Mulvaney-Stanak is back in the news (you've met her before with us since she wants Disaffected prosecuted for putting up stickers on lamp posts). This time the woman with a quarter-million-dollar household income is taking free food and gift card donations because she's a . . working mother. The chair of the Burlington GOP joins us to talk about it.
-Potpourri du Moquerie, featuring bodacious head-banging borderline babes, the conjoined Joe-Bama Twins, and footage from the traditional Karen birthing grounds.
This episode is sponsored by Antons Meat and Eat, landofbiltong.com. Biltong is a South African vinegar-cured meat similar to beef jerky, but better! Use promo code JOSH to get free shipping!
Oregonian boys rip down tampon machine from Lake Ridge High School men's room wall and correctly file it in the toilet. Oregon House Democrats are the reason it was there to begin with.
EXCLUSIVE VIDEO! The LGBTQ "community" in Burlington gay-bashed the founder of the gay pride movement this week right out on the street. The very man who was actually at the Stonewall riots in 1969
-We're going to parse a conversation with a manipulator to detail exactly what tricks they use, how to identify them, and how to respond to them better. Get your notebook
-Tone and style in confrontation. When "coming from a place of love" is exactly the wrong move.
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-One Texas Democrat shows courage with an 11-minute floor speech on why she broke with her party to join Republicans to pass a ban on sex-change chemicals and surgeries for children
-Time is up. There is no morally respectable way to be a progressive liberal Democrat in 2023.
-A major Australian malpractice insurer kicks sex-change docs to the curb if they "treat" minor children with "gender transition."
-When love has nowhere to go: Middle age is a time of contemplating what could have been, and never will be.