The Ukraine and Russia war hoax as shown in I, Pet Goat 2. This video is taken from a section that starts at 3:33 in the main I Pet Goat II. The code for WW3 is 333. So, it's very interesting that it's this moment in the video that we see the hammer and sickle, the tiger on the girls back for 2022 and the nuclear war symbol on her face in the Ukraine colours of blue and yellow. Those are also the Masonic colours.
,1,The Ukraine and Russia war hoax as shown in I, Pet Goat 2. This video is taken from a section that starts at 3:33 in the main I Pet Goat II. The code for WW3 is 333. So, it's very interesting that it's this moment in the video that we see the hammer and sickle, the tiger on the girls back for 2022 and the nuclear war symbol on her face in the Ukraine colours of blue and yellow. Those are also the Masonic colours.