EMF measuring device shows a significant increase near a nurse who has been vaccinated with covid 19. There is no reason for this ammount of EMF to be present inside a human, except if they are becoming a beacon and receiver for the new 5G tech. This EMF pollution does damage so if you stay too much near vaccinated people you will be EMF affected. Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans” is a replication study that used very, very low RF exposures and combined the RF with a known carcinogen. Researchers found elevated lymphoma and significantly higher numbers of tumors in the lungs and livers in the animals exposed to both RF and the carcinogen. There are ways to protect against 5G and Wifi exposure. More info here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/neut3x/AUL1691/ Join the Discussions about 5G on the telegram group: https://t.me/+MMtUwYuuM9RmOWZk Subscribe to our channel Join the business here for free https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/affreg/AUL651/
I don't see mockery here i see people replicating the last Supper with their own clothes and style. They didn't kiss or engage in debauched acts. In fact if it was any other setup with lets say no table and people to be aranged more randomnly, there wouldn't be any fuss. I think this is the only way for the christians to see that hey these people exist. My personal oppinion of this moment is neutral i am neither pro not against it. I like to see things objectively. And BY THE WAY: Leonardo da Vinci the painter of the Last Supper was a bisexual. He was a very forward thinking man in good and bad. He was an artist. He was very tolerant and living in the Renaiscence which was anything but Christian. The era had its good and bad but it was an evolution for Humanity. And yes during this period people liked to dress up. Sure it wasn't the best meoment meaning the best people, dancers and stuff it wasn't high artistical moment like Da Vinci would have done but it also wasn't that bad and put into historical context, here it is. Protect yourself from EMF, 5G and Wifi radiations with a tested and proven product the best in the market: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/AultHome/AUL651/ Join the healing group here on Telegram: https://t.me/HerbalismHealing
TRUMP SHOOTER WAS FAR LEFT ANTIFA: Maxwell Yearick was arrested in 2016 at a Anti Trump Rally in Pittsburgh. he was charged with assault on a woman officer & jailed. During my search for yearick news articles were being deleted regarding this case. I have made a facebook group Trump shot down join it now: https://facebook.com/groups/1545504492665241/
EMF measuring device shows a significant increase near a nurse who has been vaccinated with covid 19. There is no reason for this ammount of EMF to be present inside a human, except if they are becoming a beacon and receiver for the new 5G tech. This EMF pollution does damage so if you stay too much near vaccinated people you will be EMF affected. Tumor promotion by exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields below exposure limits for humans” is a replication study that used very, very low RF exposures and combined the RF with a known carcinogen. Researchers found elevated lymphoma and significantly higher numbers of tumors in the lungs and livers in the animals exposed to both RF and the carcinogen. There are ways to protect against 5G and Wifi exposure. More info here: https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/neut3x/AUL1691/ Join the Discussions about 5G on the telegram group: https://t.me/+MMtUwYuuM9RmOWZk Subscribe to our channel Join the business here for free https://dq271.isrefer.com/go/affreg/AUL651/